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Prowide ISO 20022 Download

Information to grab the library from Maven central repository or download.


compile group: 'com.prowidesoftware', name: 'pw-iso20022', version: 'SRU2023-10.1.7'



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Zip archive

For non-maven projects you need to download the full distribution zip and setup your IDE to include the pw-iso20022-SRU2023-10.1.7.jar and the external dependencies in your project classpath.

The downloaded package is always a single zip file with the full distribution including:

  • pw-iso20022-SRU2023-10.1.7.jar: the library itself
  • pw-iso20022-SRU2023-10.1.7-javadoc.jar: the javadoc, also available online
  • pw-iso20022-SRU2023-10.1.7-sources.jar: the source code, also available at GitHub
  • lib: required dependency jar files

Download SRU2023-10.1.7