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Prowide versioning

All Prowide artifacts are versioned using a semantic version with an SRU prefix.

SRU stands for SWIFT Standard release Update, and it refers to the yearly updates of the MT and MX standards.

The new release specification is normally available in the first quarter of the year, entering production by late November. All participants have to upgrade their systems the same day, and there is one and only one version of the standards per year.

Since Prowide artifacts are packaged for a specific version of the standard; the SRU is part of the artifacts version, for example: SRU2021-7.8.9

The first part indicates the yearly standard the artifact is compliant to, and the second part uses the traditional format of with the following semantic features:

  • The major version number is only changed when we do a big breaking change, just as upgrading the required Java version for the library products.
  • The minnor number, although it is for minor version, we are aligning it to the SRUs. That is, it is increased annually so that the version alone also has the version of the standard implicit. If SRU2021 is 7.8, then SRU2022 is 7.9, and so forth. Meaning the minor version is redundant with the SRU prefix.
  • The patch number is the one we actually change on all intermediate releases. Depending on the product this could be monthly or weekly.

Which version should I use?

Normally, from January to late November you should use for production the SRU matching the previous calendar year. Since that would be the version of the standards that is live in the network.

Prowide mades available the upcoming SRU packages for the general public by late October, one month before production. And six months in advance, by May, for commercial customers.

You can check the SWIFT standard releases schedule at