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Prowide Integrator Validation - Overview

The Validation library provides a set of APIs to validate SWIFT messages (MT and ISO 20022) against the standard rules.

By making sure the messages are valid, the library helps to avoid sending messages that will be rejected by the SWIFT network, or the counter-party applications; preventing NAKs.

For MT messages, all SWIFT format validations are implemented, including:

  • Structure: mandatory sequences and fields, sequence and fields ordering, sequence and fields repetitions.
  • Fields: fields mandatory components, components length, character sets, specific codeword qualifiers.
  • Semantic validations (network rules).
  • BIC codes against directory, ISO country and currency codes, IBAN numbers, custom rules.

For MX messages (ISO 20022), the library validates:

  • Message structure using the XSD schema.
  • ISO external code sets.
  • Cross-element rules, for a subset of messages types.
  • BIC codes against directory, ISO country and currency codes, IBAN numbers, custom rules.

The different steps of the validation process can be tuned up, for example, using specific message schema definitions, adding or removing validation rules, and filtering the resulting problem list.

Custom rules can also be added to the validation process, to implement specific validations for a given message type.


Online javadoc

Prowide Integrator Validation Javadoc SRU2023-10.x.x