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Release Notes

This section contains the current and historic changelogs for all Prowide library artifacts within the SRU2023-10.x.x distribution branch.

Notice this information is public, however, the Prowide Integrator artifacts are not open source, thus download and usage is restricted to licensed customers.

Versions compatibility

To keep the libraries up-to-date and compatible with the latest technologies and frameworks, we started the migration to Java 11 and Jakarta EE 10. To give all users time to migrate their systems, the existing versions will also be maintained.

The following table summarizes versioning for current and upcoming releases, and the corresponding SRU and Java/Jakarta EE versions.

Version SRU Java Jakarta EE
9.4.x 2023 8 Jaxb 2
10.1.x 2023 11 10

SRU stands for the SWIFT Standards Release Update. It reflects the messaging standard the libraries are compatible with. Notice the middle version is normally updated along a SRU change. Check the Versioning page for further details.

As for the migration to Jakarta, overall, the migration process involves replacing the Java EE packages in your source code (javax) with their Jakarta EE counterparts (jakarta) and updating your application's dependencies to their Jakarta EE versions. The exact steps and level of effort required will depend on the specifics of your application and its dependencies. We believe that the benefits of these updates far outweigh any temporary inconvenience.