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Prowide Integrator CBPR+ - CHANGELOG

Model extension for CBPR+ messages (Cross Border and Payments Regulation)

10.1.3 - June 2024

  • Renamed validationKey() to businessService() in the CbprMessageType enum

10.1.2 - April 2024

  • Added a log when the CBPR+ message factory is used and the message sample contains a header other than BAH v2

10.1.1 - November 2023

  • (PW-1691) Fixed specific business service for each message type

10.1.0 - July 2023

  • Version aligned with Prowide Integrator 10.1.x for SRU2023
  • (PW-1444) Added model and parser for the CBPR+ pacs.010.001.03 Margin Collection message type

3.0.0 - June 2023

  • Migration to Java 11
  • Migration to Jakarta EE 10
  • XmlGregorianCalendar was replaced model-wide by the new java.time classes

2.3.0 - May 2023

  • SWIFT Standard release update 2023 (live 19 November 2023)
  • Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see

2.2.0 - March 2023

  • (PW-1300) Updated model to the CBPR+ 2023 release

2.1.9 - March 2023

  • (PW-1261) Enhanced the CbprMessageType.of(AppHdr) to work even if the MsgDefIdr contains a redundant variant such as pacs.008.001.08STP

2.1.8 - February 2023

  • Minor javadoc fixes

2.1.7 - February 2022

  • Prowide dependencies update

2.1.6 - December 2022

  • Switched to semantic versioning

2.1u5 - November 2022

  • Internal implementation enhancements

2.1u4 - November 2022

  • Updated Apache Commons Text dependency to 1.10 to fix reported CVE

2.1u3 - September 2022

  • Added the current SRU to the version number for consistent SRU based BOM and dependency with other Integrator artifacts

2.1u2 - April 2022

  • Internal schema compress to reduce jar size

2.1u1 - March 2022

  • Added the specific BAH v2 schema for CBPR+ along a CbprHeaderSchemaResolver util class to retrieve it
  • (PW-863) Added support for customizable date and time adapters in the XML marshalling/unmarshalling

2.1 - January 2022

  • Updated implementation for the CBPR+ release 2.1 (effective in November 2022)

2.0u4 - January 2022

  • Added a CbprMessageFactory to create CBPR+ message objects from XML with type and variant auto detection
  • Added CbprMessageType#of(AppHdr appHdr) to detect the type from an application header instance

2.0u3 - January 2022

  • Prowide Integrator SDK and Prowide Core updates

2.0u2 - December 2021

  • Added com.prowidesoftware.integrator.cbpr as automatic module name in the MANIFEST for JPMS support

2.0u1 - December 2021

  • Added a custom marshaller for date time elements to be compliant with CBPR_DateTime ('+00:00' offset instead of 'Z')

2.0 - November 2021

  • Updated implementation for the 17 message types in the CBPR+ release 2.0 (effective in November 2022)

1.2u2 - October 2020

  • Removed the CopyableTo implementation from the generated model
  • Added a method to return the MxId and the targetNamespace in the CbprMessageType enumeration

1.2u1 - September 2020

  • Added phase II message types: pacs.010.001.03 and pacs.008.001.08_STP


  • Initial implementation for the CBPR+ releease 1.2