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Prowide GUI Tools - CHANGELOG

9.4.3 - January 2024

  • (PW-1725) Added support for UETR, in the auto-generation of form values

9.4.2 - November 2023

  • (PW-1686) In the auto-generation of form values, support both system default times and custom zone id (per user)
  • (PW-1686) Deprecated property in MxConf to override AppHdr dateTime in favor of the new auto generation feature
  • Changed the configuration property to show/hide auto-generated fields in favor of a readonly flag

9.4.1 - October 2023

  • New feature to enable auto generation of values for some specific paths (added in a config file) to be rendered in the message-entry form.
  • New configuration option to hide or show this auto generated values as inputs in the message-entry form.
  • Fix render UI date fields related with types YearMonth, Year, Month.

9.4.0 - May 2023

  • SWIFT Standard release update 2023 (live 19 November 2023)
  • Yearly revision of deprecation phase

9.3.0 - July 2023

  • Version aligned with Prowide Integrator 9.3.x for SRU2022

1.2.29 - July 2023

  • (PW-1446) reduce log verbosity in MX form builder when applying external code set

1.2.28 - January 2023

  • (PW-1140/PW-1142) Fix duplicated header in MX Form View when multiple header is enabled

1.2.27 - November 2022

  • (PW-1117) Fix combo pre-select when they contain a single option, the element is mandatory but the parent is optional
  • (PW-1115) Fix comparison paths at verification removing predicates from the fields path

1.2.26 - November 2022

  • Fixed date picker in BAH headers 2 and 3

1.2.25 - November 2022

  • Added support for BusinessAppHdrV03

1.2.24 - November 2022

  • Dependencies and deprecated API updates for SRU2022
  • Added the customizable IBICDirectory in the form builder write detail method call, since the SdkConfiguration class is deprecated

1.2.23 - October 2022

  • (PW-1025) Enable relative paths for verification, all the children are considered as verifiable fields

1.2.22 - October 2022

  • (PW-1071) Fixed MX repairing form when the XML has a non-standard namespace, such as for the SIC4 schemas
  • (PW-1071) Added TARGET_BIC to the elements detected as BIC codes for autocomplete
  • (PW-1071) Fixed date time form elements handling when the XSD pattern is not as in ISO 20022 schemas
  • (PW-1071) Enhancement to pre-select combos when they contain a single option and the element is mandatory
  • (PW-1064) Fallback option to system classloader in resource loading
  • (PW-1000) Fix defaultValue comparison, trimming values at RenderUtil to define selected value in combo

1.2.21 - July 2022

  • (PW-995) Downgrade jquery-ui from 1.13.0 to 1.12.1 to fix hang problem at html autocomplete inputs
  • (PW-993) Fixed AppHdr creation date for BAH V1 that requires a date in UTC zone with explicit Z suffix

1.2.20 - June 2022

  • (PW-857) Update jquery from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 to fix compatibility with bootstrap

1.2.19 - June 2022

  • (PW-857) Update jquery from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 and jquery-ui from 1.12.1 to 1.13.0 to fix CVE
  • (PW-495) Fixed unicode replacements to support SICText pattern
  • (PW-495) Enhanced the Mx form builder to support custom schemas with namespace other than the ISO 20022, for example schemas for SIC4
  • Added support in the MtFormBuilder to create forms from external FIN schemas

1.2.18 - May 2022

  • (CR-138) New MX form builder configuration option to instruct the map from request to message, to use a custom ZoneId instead of the system default offset
  • New MX form builder configuration option to instruct the map from request to message, to overwrite the MX header creation date time with the current zoned time

1.2.17 - May 2022

  • (PW-813) Internal enhancement to fix CVE

1.2.16 - May 2022

  • Internal refactor to use XmlBlock4 from the SDK instead of the legacy xml2mt API
  • New configuration option to enable multiple ISO 2022 header version in the MX forms

1.2.15 - March 2022

  • (PW-863) Fixed CBPR time element creation in form
  • (PW-860) Message repair does not maintain selected BIC when sender/receiver addresses are parameterized from list
  • (PW-854) Added a parameter to the MX form builder to pass a custom header schema, such as the CBPR+ custom BAH v2 schema
  • Unmarshall/marshal MX form data to apply adapters

1.2.14 - January 2022

  • (PW-854) fixed CBPR+ datetime pattern processing in the webjar JS when building the XML for the POST

1.2.13 - January 2022

  • (PW-852) Fixed bug when creating an MX form with the ISO 20022 external code set enabled

1.2.12 - January 2022

  • (PW-784) Added an option in the MT form builder to create and Output block 2 (along existing options for Input and any direction)
  • (PW-828) Added UETR generator to UETR elements in MX (similar to field 121 in MT block 3)
  • Added bicField class for fields with name starting with AnyBic or BICFI, to enable autocomplete

1.2.11 - December 2021

  • (PW-407-671) New lenient converter for MT to internal XML to enable repairing in GUI malformed messages (even with missing mandatory fields)
  • (PW-530) Added a "Content pattern" title on mouse over on fields with the pattern of the element

1.2.10 - November 2021

  • (CR-23) Add formatter for Rate fields.
  • (CR-23) Add decimals in Amount Fields.
  • (CR-23) Fix Offset field format.
  • (CR-23) Fix Datetime format at Tree View.

1.2.9 - September 2021

  • (PW-670) Added a parameter to explicitly indicate the message types for which to generate automatically the UETR

1.2.8 - August 2021

  • (PW-651) Added a parameter in the MT form builder to customize the indicator for any letter options in MT fields: for example 50a -> 50*
  • (PW-576) fixed propagation of minOccurs from SEQUENCE to children fields

1.2.7 - July 2021

  • Add a new flag browserAutoComplete to switch on/off HTML Input/TextArea 'autocomplete' property.
  • Fixed css set for bicField, currencyField and countryField in MX

1.2.6 - April 2021

  • Compatibility update for Prowide Integrator SDK 9.1.11+

1.2.5 - March 2021

  • (PW-490) Added the autogenerate/autofill UETR when creating new MT202 and MT205
  • (PW-490) Added the "generate new UETR" button for all the MT messages
  • Minor JS client validation fix of mandatory elements in dynamically added form fields

1.2.4 - March 2021

  • Fixed generation of sequence boundary field in message repairing
  • Fixed form elements removal after validation action
  • Added codeword to sequence names for better sequence type identification (ex: GENL, LINK, TRADDET)
  • Added the qualifier/codeword in all combo selections along the text description

1.2.3 - March 2021

  • Fixed bug when repairing messages with a PDM trailer field

1.2.2 - February 2021

  • Normalized the generated form HTML to use double quotes
  • Added HTML escape to input and textarea values when repairing messages
  • Added org.apache.commons:commons-text:1.6 as dependency

1.2.1 - February 2021

  • Fixed bug in MT form processing on certain combinations of a nested sequence structure

1.2.0 - January 2021

  • Added a feature to create message verification forms; with a specific subset of fields as input and the rest as read only

1.1.4 - December 2020

  • Added support for BIC4 in license

1.1.3 - November 2020

  • Fixed configuration option to display blocks collapsed by default (example block 3 and 5)
  • Added MtFormBuilder default constructor (with default english locale)

1.1.2 - November 2020

  • Fixed getElementsByTagName issue in main js

1.1.1 - November 2020

  • Simplified the MT form rendering, removing intermediate useless combo selectors and toggleable elements
  • Fixed the server side form POST to XML builder for some special category 5 fieldset structures

1.1.0 - November 2020

  • Added API to build a form with presets from a key-value list (useful to create message from template data)
  • Added MT form configuration per block to enable or disable printing the root element
  • Added MT form configuration per block to show the root element collapsed or expanded
  • Changed the amount formatter to always display the decimal part (even for zero)
  • Refactored the MT form mapping to render the internal XML in the backend instead of client side
  • Added parameters in the form builders to set fixed values for the message sender and receiver
  • Added support for ISO 20022 variants: CBPR+, SEPA, SIC when creating MX forms
  • Added support for Business Application Header version 2

1.0.9 - August 2020

  • (PW-361) Renamed the internal textarea escape element to avoid conflict with third party JS libraries

1.0.8 - August 2020

  • Thread safe patch in rendering to avoid: org.xml.sax.SAXException: FWK005 parse may not be called while parsing

1.0.7 - July 2020

  • Added the sequence alphanumeric identifier to sequence labels in MT
  • Enhanced the tooltip/title documentation definition for elements, and added a configuration flag to switch it off
  • Fixed NPE in MT repair form when the PDE trailer field is present with the tag name only and no value
  • Hide field 15a in MT forms to avoid invalid field validation for this field that has empty value
  • Hide by default the 16R and 16S boundary fields, and several block 1 fields in MT that user's should not fill
  • Enhanced log for unexpected exceptions

1.0.6u1 - July 2020

  • Recompiled with latest core (8.0.2u1) to avoid NoSuchMethod exception in SwiftMessage

1.0.6 - March 2020

  • (PW-269) Added lenient support to repair messages with invalid component length and charset
  • Prevent printing id=null when message is not null but id is null (in MX form builder)

1.0.5 - January 2020

  • Fixed XXE vulnerability processing form POST data
  • Prevent printing id=null when message is not null but id is null
  • Added a formatter to the MX mapper to have the created XML with indentation

1.0.4 - December 2019

  • (PW-226) Added support for the legacy SWIFT application header v10 as alternative for the ISO business header

1.0.3 - December 2019

  • (PW-193) Added support for character set extensions (such as Arabic) in the form configuration

1.0.2 - October 2019

  • Fixed license check in message detail function
  • (PW-199) Updated jquery 1.12.2 -> 3.4.1
  • Updated jquery.validate 1.15.0 -> 1.19.0
  • Updated jquery.mask 1.14.0 -> 1.14.15
  • Updated jquery.inputmask 3.3.2-106 -> 3.3.7

1.0.1 - August 2019

  • Added lenient handling of EOLS (supporting either LF or CRLF) in the MT form builder when repairing messages


  • Added option to include the raw value in select option, active by default, for example "Shared Charges (SHA)"
  • Webjars compliance for resources
  • First release as standalone library, extracted from Prowide Enterprise Message Entry module