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Prowide Integrator SIC - CHANGELOG

Model extension for SIC (Swiss RGTS) messages

10.1.1 - October 2023

  • (PW-1656) Added model for SIC release 4.10
  • Moved release 4.9 to specific package
  • Deprecated default package in favor of package per specific SIC releases

10.1.0 - July 2023

  • Version aligned with Prowide Integrator 10.1.x for SRU2023

5.0.0 - June 2023

  • Migration to Java 11
  • Migration to Jakarta EE 10
  • XmlGregorianCalendar was replaced model-wide by the new java.time classes

4.10.0 - May 2023

  • SWIFT Standard release update 2023 (live 19 November 2023)
  • Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see

4.9.5 - April 2023

  • Added a SicMessageFactory to autodetect and parse and XML message into the correct Mx SIC model class

4.9.4 - February 2023

  • Minor javadoc fixes

4.9.3 - February 2023

  • Prowide dependencies update

4.9.2 - December 2022

  • Switched to semantic versioning

4.9u1 - November 2022

  • Updated Apache Commons Text dependency to 1.10 to fix reported CVE

4.9 - November 2022

  • Model migrated to SIC release 4.9 versions

4.6u6 - September 2022

  • Added the current SRU to the version number for consistent SRU based BOM and dependency with other Integrator artifacts

4.6u5 - April 2022

  • Internal schema compress to reduce jar size

4.6u4 - January 2022

  • Prowide Integrator SDK and Prowide Core updates

4.6u3 - December 2021

  • Added com.prowidesoftware.integrator.sic as automatic module name in the MANIFEST for JPMS support

4.6u2 - October 2020

  • Removed the CopyableTo implementation from the generated model
  • Added a method to return the MxId and the targetNamespace in the SicMessageType enumeration

4.6u1 - June 2020

  • Fixed generated model for the Mx classes to use the restricted SIC elements


  • First implementation for the Nov 2019 release