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Prowide Integrator Translations - CHANGELOG

10.1.45 - September 2024

  • MX to MT: Revamped implementation of MxToMtRegulatoryReporting for translation into field 77B
  • CBPR+ pacs.004 -> MT103: Added mapping from Debtor and Creditor CountryOfResidence to field 77B
  • CBPR+ pacs.004 -> MT103: Removed default /D when mapping settlement account to 53B (INDA case)
  • CBPR+ pacs.009 -> MT200/MT202/MT205: Removed default /D when mapping settlement account to 53B (INDA case)
  • CBPR+ pacs.004 -> MT103: Added Party Identifier mapping in node 52A
  • CBPR+ pacs.008 -> MT103: Map Regulatory Reporting to field 77B using MxToMtRegulatoryReporting
  • CBPR+ translators: Removed additional conditions when mapping Party Identifier in nodes 52A/56A/57A/58A
  • CBPR+ pacs.008 -> MT103: Revamped mapping for node 23E

10.1.44 - September 2024

  • (PW-1983) MX to MT: fixed MxPostalAddressToMtUnstructuredPartyNameAndAddress mapping logic when Party\Name is greater than 35 characters
  • (PW-1983) camt.057.001 -> MT210: added mapping for field Notification\Item\UETR to Block3\121
  • (PW-1972) Added specific translations for MEPS v1.2 (MEPS+, Singapore RGTS) for MT102/103/192/200/201/202/203/205/292/920 to MX
  • (PW-1919) Added specific translations for FISC (Taiwan RTGS) for MT103/MT199/MT202/MT205 <-> pacs.002/009.COV
  • (PW-1919) Added specific translations for FISC (Taiwan RTGS) for MT192/MT196/MT292/MT296 <-> camt.029/056
  • (PW-1919) Added specific translations for FISC (Taiwan RTGS) for MT900/MT910/MT940/MT941/MT942/MT950 <-> camt.052/053/054
  • (PW-1919) Added specific translations for FISC (Taiwan RTGS) for MT104 <-> pain.008
  • CBPR+ pacs.008 -> MT102/MT103 and pacs.009 -> MT202/MT205: Fixed mapping for Creditor/Debtor to 50a/59a
  • CBPR+ pacs.008 -> MT103: Fixed mappings in MxToMtRemittanceInformation (Codewords PURP/ULTD/ULTB)
  • CBPR+ MT103 -> pacs.008.001.08: removed mapping from field 20 to PaymentIdentification\TransactionIdentification

10.1.43 - August 2024

  • (PW-1974) ISO/CBPR+ MT210 -> camt.057.001.06: added default NOTPROVIDED value to Item\Identification where field 21 is missing
  • (PW-1969) ISO MT54 -> sese.25/26.001.: added mapping for field 98E\PREP into AppHdr\CreationDate
  • (PW-1962) Implementations of the DailyIdGenerator interface minor bugfix
  • (PW-1919) Added specific translations for FISC (Taiwan RTGS) for MT102/MT103/MT200/MT201/MT202/MT203/MT205 <-> pacs.004/008/009
  • Changed the DailyIdGenerator interface to return String as preferred type for the generated id, ensuring the fixed length constraint

10.1.42 - August 2024

  • (PW-1962) Added more implementations of the DailyIdGenerator interface based on different strategies

10.1.41 - August 2024

  • ISO MT202/MT202.COV -> pacs.009.001.*: moved optional nodes InstructingAgent (InstgAgt) and InstructedAgent (InstdAgt) from GroupHeader to CreditTransferTransactionInformation

10.1.40 - July 2024

  • ISO/CBPR+ camt.052 -> MT941/MT942: added selection criteria to distinguish between MT targets (if Report\Entry is missing it generates MT941 else MT942)
  • ISO MT103/MT103.STP/MT103.REMIT -> pacs.008.001.*: moved optional nodes InstructingAgent (InstgAgt) and InstructedAgent (InstdAgt) from GroupHeader to CreditTransferTransactionInformation
  • (PW-1948) ISO MT202/MT202.COV -> pacs.009.*: added mapping for block3/103 to SettlementInformation\ClearingSystem\Code

10.1.39 - July 2024

  • (PW-1916) CBPR+ MT103/MT103.STP -> pacs.008.001.08: create a new UETR for PaymentIdentification\UETR when block3\121 is missing
  • (PW-1916) CBPR+ MT103/MT103.STP -> pacs.008.001.08: truncate with evidence ClearingSystemIdentification\MemberIdentification to 28 characters
  • (PW-1915) CBPR+ MT103.STP -> pacs.008.001.08: removed line feeds in RemittanceInformation\Unstructured mapping
  • CBPR+ MT199/299 -> pacs.002.001.10: accepting messages with /RJCT/ codeword in narrative 79

10.1.38 - June 2024

  • (PW-1914) CBPR+ MT103 -> pacs.008.001.08: Fixed mappings from 53A/D and 54A/D to Instructing and Instructed Reimbursement Agent nodes
  • (PW-1914) CBPR+ MT103 -> pacs.008.001.08: Added mapping from Narrative 72 with codeword INTA to Intermediary Agent 2 node
  • Added new SWIFTGO translators: MT299 -> trck.001.001.02/trck.002.001.01
  • SWIFTGO translators MT199/MT299 -> trck.001.001.02/trck.002.001.01: added precondition expecting a valid date time in the first line of Narrative 79

10.1.37 - June 2024

  • (PW-1897) CBPR+ camt.052.001.08 -> MT941/942: using account currency for fields 90C and 90D when entry currency is not present
  • (PW-1896) CBPR+ MT200/202/205 -> pacs.009.001.08: create a new UETR for PaymentIdentification\UETR when block3\121 is missing
  • pacs.010.001.03 -> MT204: fixed mappings for fields 58A and 58D
  • (PW-1859) Added new ISO translator: pain.001.001.09 -> MT103

10.1.36 - May 2024

  • CBPR+ MT102/103 -> pacs.008.001.08 and MT200/201/202/205 -> pacs.009.001.08: enhanced and fixed mappings from field 72 codewords CATPURP, SVCLVL and LOCINS

10.1.35 - May 2024

  • (PW-1878) CBPR+ MT900 and MT910 to camt: set Entry/EntryReference to NOTPROVIDED since field 25 is already mapped to the Notification/Account
  • (PW-1865) Added new flag to TranslatorConfiguration class, in order to force the number formatting to have exactly two decimal places
  • (PW-1847) Added new ISO translators: MT 564/568 <-> seev.031.002.13

10.1.34 - May 2024

  • (PW-1872) CBPR+ MT 950 -> camt.053.001.08: fixed mappings from 60M to Balance\Type\Code = OPBD and 62M to Balance\Type\Code = CLBD
  • (PW-1863) CBPR+ MT 940 -> camt.053.001.08: fixed mappings from 60M to Balance\Type\Code = OPBD and 62M to Balance\Type\Code = CLBD
  • (PW-1862) MT to MX: Revamped implementation of Narrative translation functions
  • Fixed mapping of Block5/PDE flag into the AppHdr/PossibleDuplicate when PDE exists and is empty
  • CBPR+ MT 102/103 -> pacs.008.001.08: fixed mappings for fields 70 and 72 into InstructionForNextAgent and RemittanceInformation\Unstructured
  • CBPR+ MT 102/103 -> pacs.008.001.08: removed mapping for codeword PURP in field 72 and fixed use of codeword CATPURP into CategoryPurpose\Code
  • CBPR+ MT 202.COV/205.COV -> pacs.009.001.08.COV: fixed mappings for fields 70 and 72 into InstructionForNextAgent and RemittanceInformation\Unstructured
  • CBPR+ MT 202 -> pacs.009.001.08/pacs.009.001.08.ADV: fixed mappings for codeword PURP in field 72 into Purpose\Code and Purpose\Proprietary
  • Enhanced the market type factories returned by the TranslatorFactoryProvider to honour the translation mappings configuration

10.1.33 - April 2024

  • (PW-1857) CBPR+ MT 900/910 -> camt.054.001.08: fixed mappings according to CBPR+ mapping rules
  • (PW-1856) MT 200/202/203/205 -> pacs.009: fixed mappings for 72 Narrative extra codewords to InstructionForNextAgent
  • (PW-1855) CBPR+ MT 202 -> pacs.004.001.09: added extra XT99 narrative to ReturnReasonInformation\AdditionalInformation
  • (PW-1854) CBPR+ MT 202 -> pacs.004.001.09: added mapping for OriginalInstructionIdentification
  • (PW-1850) CBPR+ MT 202 -> pacs.004.001.09: fixed mapping for ServiceLevel\Code when there's no Block3\111
  • (PW-1852) CBPR+ MT 202 -> pacs.004.001.09: added mapping for ReturnIdentification
  • (PW-1851) CBPR+ MT 202 -> pacs.004.001.09: fixed mapping for CreditorAgent when there's no 57a field
  • (PW-1849) CBPR+ MT 202.COV/205.COV -> pacs.009: preserve line numbers in field 50F mapping as part of value in the MX elements
  • (PW-1848) CBPR+ MT 103 -> pacs.004.001.09: fixed mappings to 'NOTPROVIDED' as instructed by the CBPR+ mapping rules
  • (PW-1848) CBPR+ MT 103 -> pacs.004.001.09: added extra XT99 narrative to ReturnReasonInformation\AdditionalInformation
  • (PW-1848) Fixed mapping of Block5/PDE flag into the AppHdr/PossibleDuplicate
  • (PW-1848) CBPR+ MT 103 -> pacs.004.001.09: fixed mappings to 'NOTPROVIDED' as instructed by the CBPR+ mapping rules
  • MT 103 -> pacs.008: fixed typo in codeword CATPURP

10.1.32 - April 2024

  • (PW-1833) Fixed base64 encoding handling for jakarta.xml.bind-api:4.0.2 compatibility

10.1.31 - April 2024

  • (PW-1835) CBPR+ camt.054.001.08 -> MT 910/910 : fixed mappings for tag 21
  • (PW-1832) CBPR translators: fixed mapping to comply with CBPR_Agent_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule rule
  • MX to MT: Revamped implementation of MxToMtFinancialInstitutionNameAndAddress for translation into fields 52D, 53D, 54D, 55D, 56D & 57D
  • MX to MT: Revamped implementation of MxToMtMTFATFNameAndAddress and MxToMtMTFATFNameAndAddress2 for translation into field 50F and 50K
  • MX to MT: fixed coverage in MxToMt functions
  • Added new ISO translator: seev.008.001.08 -> MT 568
  • Added new ISO translator: MT 536 -> semt.017.001.12
  • Added new ISO translator: MT 537 -> semt.018.001.13
  • Added new ISO translators: sese.028.001.09/10 -> MT 578

10.1.30 - April 2024

  • (PW-1827) Added new ISO translators: camt.053.001.10/11 <-> MT 940/950
  • (PW-1814) Removed criteria selection in translations MT196/MT296 -> camt.029.001.11
  • (PW-1759) TranslationFactory: fixed getTranslator for ACK/NACK messages with a specific MX version
  • Added new ISO translator: seev.001.001.10 -> MT 564
  • Added new ISO translator: seev.002.001.09 -> MT 564
  • Added new ISO translator: seev.003.001.09 -> MT 564
  • Added new ISO translator: seev.004.001.09 -> MT 565
  • Added new ISO translator: seev.005.001.09 -> MT 565
  • Added new ISO translator: seev.006.001.09 -> MT 567
  • Added new ISO translator: seev.007.001.09 -> MT 567
  • MT to MX: Revamped mapping for fields 50F and 59F into structured postal address node when line 3 (country) is present

10.1.29 - March 2024

  • (PW-1814) MT 196/296 -> camt.029: fixed mapping from narrative 77A when codeword /UETR/ is used in multiple lines
  • (PW-1635) camt.056 -> MT 192/292: fixed default value for tag 20 when node Underlying\TransactionInformation\Case\Identification is missing
  • T2 Translators: added NONREF as fixed value for GroupHeader\MessageIdentification node
  • T2 Translators: map field 20 to BusinessMessageIdentifier in header

10.1.28 - March 2024

  • (PW-1759) TranslatorFactory: Added translator ACK/NAK (service 21 message) -> admi.007.001.01

10.1.27 - March 2024

  • (PW-1804) sese.025 -> MT 540/541/542/543: fixed mapping for multiple 22F STCO indicators
  • (PW-1635) camt.029 -> MT 196/296: fixed default value for tag 20 when node CancellationStatusIdentification is missing
  • Added new ISO translators: sese.020.001.07 -> MT 540/541/542/543
  • Added new ISO translators: semt.020.001.07 <-> MT 578
  • Added new ISO translators: semt.002.001.11 <-> MT 535
  • Added new ISO translator: semt.017.001.12 -> MT 536
  • Added new ISO translator: semt.018.001.13 -> MT 537
  • Enhanced truncation report: added MX source path even when partial element content is truncated

10.1.26 - March 2024

  • (PW-1800) MT 540/541/542/543 -> sese.023: fixed 36B Quantity of Financial Instrument precondition

10.1.25 - March 2024

  • (PW-1756) MT 102/103 -> pacs.008: added mapping for field 72 codeword /PURP/ into Purpose/Proprietary
  • Added new ISO translators: sese.024.001.11/12 <-> MT 548
  • Added new ISO translators: pacs.009.001.10 <-> MT 200
  • (PW-1787) Added new ISO translators: sese.026.001.10 <-> MT 544/545/546/547
  • (PW-1790) MT950 -> camt.053: fixed BookingDate and EntryDetails mappings
  • (PW-1790) MT942 -> camt.052: fixed BookingDate mapping

10.1.24 - February 2024

  • (PW-1759) TranslationFactoryConfiguration - deprecated setEvaluatePreconditions (replaced with withEvaluatePreconditions)

10.1.23 - February 2024

  • (PW-1764) Added new ISO translators: sese.023.001.11 -> MT 540/541/542/543
  • (PW-1764) Added new ISO translators: sese.025.001.11 -> MT 544/545/546/547
  • (PW-1764) ISO sese.023.001. / sese.025.001. <-> MT 54*: added mappings for SecuritiesSubBalanceType <-> 22F SSBT
  • (PW-1762) MT 103 -> pacs.004.001.09 (CBPR+/LYNX/T2): fixed mapping for /CHGS/ codeword into ChargesInformation
  • (PW-1759) Added new translator: ACK/NAK (service 21 message) -> admi.007.001.01
  • (PW-1756) MT 202 -> pacs.009: added mapping for field 72 codeword /PURP/ into Purpose/Proprietary

10.1.22 - January 2024

  • Added new translator: MT 097 <-> xsys.001.001.01
  • Added new CBPR+ translator: MT 104 <- pacs.003.001.08
  • Added new CBPR+ translator: MT 107 -> pacs.003.001.08
  • Added new ISO translators: MT 104 <- pacs.003.001.08/09/10
  • Added new ISO translators: MT 107 <-> pacs.003.001.08/09/10
  • (PW-1754) ISO seev.036.001.14 -> MT 566: fixed mappings in section 16R:CASHMOVE

10.1.21 - January 2024

  • (PW-1748/1733) CHATS for pacs message the receiver BIC in the AppHdr is fixed to HKICHKHHXXX
  • (PW-1747) SWIFT GO MT199 <-> trck.001.001.02/trck.002.001.01: Fixed mappings
  • Enhanced the TranslatorFactory with new parameters to specify the prefered MT/MX target type and version (replacing preferLatestVersions flag)
  • Added new ISO translators: MT 103.REMIT -> pacs.008.*
  • Added new CBPR+ translator: MT 104 -> pacs.003.001.08
  • Added new ISO translators: MT 104 -> pacs.003.001.08/09/10
  • MT192/292 -> camt.058/056: fixed mapping and added default NOTPROVIDED in CancelationReason/AdditionalInformation
  • Truncated report: added path to source and target truncated fields

10.1.20 - January 2024

  • MT196/296 -> camt.029: removed UETR existence precondition
  • Added new ISO translators: MT 110 <-> camt.107.001.01
  • Added new ISO translators: MT 111 <-> camt.108.001.01
  • Added new ISO translators: MT 112 <-> camt.109.001.01
  • sese.20/23/33/36.* -> MT541: added precondition to check SettlementAmount or OtherAmounts existence
  • seev.32/34/41.* -> MT567: added default A16S:LINK mandatory section
  • Added new translator: MT 192 -> camt.058.001.08
  • Added new CBPR+ translator: MT 292 -> camt.058.001.08
  • Added new CBPR+ translator: MT 192 -> camt.055.001.08
  • Added new CBPR+ translator: MT 110 -> camt.107.001.01
  • Added new CBPR+ translator: MT 111 -> camt.108.001.01
  • Added new CBPR+ translator: MT 112 -> camt.109.001.01

10.1.19 - December 2023

  • (PW-1732) sese.020 / sese.023 / sese.033 / sese.036 -> MT 543: added precondition to validate SettlementAmount existence in sese messages
  • ISO MT103 -> pacs.008.*: added mapping for block3/103 to ClearingSystem\Code
  • Added new translators: MT 540 / MT 541 / MT 542 / MT 543 -> sese.020.001.07 / sese.023.001.11
  • Added new translators: MT 544 / MT 545 / MT 546 / MT 547 -> sese.025.001.11

10.1.18 - December 2023

  • (PW-1674) CHATS MT103 / MT202 -> pacs.008 / pacs.009: fixed mapping for field 72 /SPRO/ instruction to InstructionForNextAgent\InstructionInformation
  • CHATS/LYNX/RITS/SCRIPS/T2 pacs.008.001.* <-> MT 103: added mapping for field 26T to CreditTransferTransactionInformation\Purpose\Proprietary
  • T2 MT103 -> pacs.008.001.*: convert 8 digit BIC to 11 digit BIC for FinancialInstrumentIdentification/BICFI

10.1.17 - December 2023

  • (PW-1674) CHATS/LYNX/RITS/SCRIPS/T2 translation factories: return ISO translators in the getTranslator(AbstractMX mx) method
  • (PW-1674) CBPR/SIC/SWIFTGO translation factories: return ISO translators in the getTranslator(AbstractMX mx) method if no specific translator is found
  • (PW-1674) CHATS MT 202/202.COV -> pacs.009.001.08: added mapping for field 72 /CATPURP/ codeword into PaymentTypeInformation\CategoryPurpose\Proprietary

10.1.16 - November 2023

  • (PW-1674) CHATS MT 202/202.COV -> pacs.009.001.08: added mapping for field 72 /SPRO/ instruction to InstructionForNextAgent\InstructionInformation
  • (PW-1397) CHATS MT 103 -> pacs.008.001.08: added mapping for field 72 /SPRO/ instruction to InstructionForNextAgent\InstructionInformation

10.1.15 - November 2023

  • (PW-1698) MT950 -> camt.053: added mapping block3\108 to GroupHeader\MessageIdentification
  • (PW-1674) ISO pacs.004/pacs.008/pacs.009 -> MT102/MT103/MT200/MT202/MT205: added mapping GroupHeader\SettlementInformation\ClearingSystem\Code To Block3\103
  • (PW-1674) CHATS MT202.COV -> pacs.009.001.08: removed fixed LocalInstrument\Proprietary mapping

10.1.14 - November 2023

  • (PW-1691) CBPR+ Translation: fixed business service value for MT 104 -> pain.008.001.08
  • (PW-1394) Added translation CBPR+ pacs.003.001.08 -> MT107

10.1.13 - November 2023

  • Updated the SIC translations and translator factory, to use the SIC 4.10 model and message versions
  • Reverted RITS translations to set the AppHdr creation datetime to the current local time with UTC offset (not necessarily UTC 0)
  • (PW-1684) MT548 -> sese.024: deprecated preconditions

10.1.12 - November 2023

  • (PW-1683) MT548 -> sese.024/sese.027: don't use field 23G as criteria to define MX target
  • (PW-1674) CHATS Translations: Added MT 192/292 -> camt.056.001.08
  • (PW-1674) CHATS Translations: Added MT 202 COV -> pacs.009.001.08.COV
  • (PW-1670) seev.031.001.13 -> MT 564: fixed additional mapping for dates without 98C field
  • Added specific translations for SWIFT GO: MT103 <-> pacs.008.001.08
  • Added specific translations for SWIFT GO: MT199 <-> trck.001.001.02/trck.002.001.01
  • Added translation MT292 -> camt.058.001.08

10.1.11 - October 2023

  • (PW-1670) seev.031.001.13 -> MT 564: fixed mapping for dates without 98C field

10.1.10 - October 2023

  • (PW-1657) pacs.008.001.08/09/10 -> MT 102/103: added additional mapping for PaymentTypeInformation\ServiceLevel\Code to Block3\111
  • (PW-1581) Enhanced mapping into field 72 to trim the instruction narratives avoiding pure blanks such as "/REC/ "
  • (PW-1394) Added translation CBPR+ camt.055.001.08 -> MT192
  • (PW-1394) Added translation CBPR+ pain.008.001.08 -> MT104
  • MT564 -> seev.031.002.06 translation: mapping fixes
  • sese.027.001.05 -> MT548 translation: mapping fixes
  • Added missing entries in the CBPR+ translator factory for the recently added translations

10.1.9 - October 2023

  • (PW-1644) MT 900/910 -> camt.054.001.06/07/08/09: added additional mapping for 21 to TransactionDetails\References\EndToEndIdentification

10.1.8 - September 2023

  • (PW-1596) MT 540/541/542/543 <-> sese.023.001.09: added a special mapping for 22F::STCO/COEX/PARQ and 22F::STCO/COEX/PARC to/from SttlmParams\PrtlSttlmInd
  • (PW-1477) MT 540/541/542/543 -> sese.023.001.09: added a special mapping for 22F::STCO BPSS into SttlmParams\SttlmTxCond\Prtry using BSSP as identification and T2S as issuer
  • (PW-1397) CHATS Translations: fixed PaymentTypeInformation/CategoryPurpose/Proprietary code IFT

10.1.7 - September 2023

  • (PW-1442) MT <-> MX translations: fixed TimeZone handling in date time conversions that might lead to invalid date changes during translation depending on the local offset

10.1.6 - September 2023

  • (PW-1304) LYNX Translation Factory: pacs.009.001.08 returns MT205 translation by default
  • (PW-1304) RITS/SCRIPS/CHATS/T2 Translation Factories: return generic Mx to Mt ISO translators

10.1.5 - August 2023

  • (PW-1562/PW-1565) MT 530 <-> sese.030.001.008 : Fixed mapping for 22F::PRTL into ReqDtls\PrtlSttlmInd
  • (PW-1563/PW-1564) MT 548 -> sese.031.001.08 : Fixed mapping, do not map section ReqDtls in MX (Ref\AcctOwnrTxId, Ref\MktInfrstrctrTxId and HldInd)
  • (PW-1557) Added translation CBPR+ MT104 -> pain.008.001.08
  • (PW-1210) Added specific translations for T2 (T2 RTGS) for MT103, MT202 and MT205 to MX
  • (PW-1210) Added specific translations for Lynx (Canada RTGS) for MT103, MT202 and MT205 to MX
  • RITS Translations: fixed creation time in header (Zulu time)
  • MT to MX: replaced the dummy creation date 9999-12-31 in all translations but the CBPR+ ones with the current date

10.1.4 - August 2023

  • (PW-1474) CBPR MT 900 / MT 910 -> camt.054.001.08 : Added mapping for field 25 into Entry\EntryReference
  • (PW-1471) MT 548 -> sese.031.001.08 : Fixed mapping for :25D::TPRC//MODC -> ProcessingStatus/Completed
  • (PW-1469) MT 540 / MT 541 / MT 542 / MT 543 <-> sese.023.001.09 : Fixed mapping for 94a <-> SafekeepingPlace
  • (PW-1469) MT 544 / MT 545 / MT 546 / MT 547 <-> sese.025.001.09 : Fixed mapping for 94a <-> SafekeepingPlace
  • (PW-1469) MT 548 <-> sese.024.001.10 : Fixed mapping for 94a <-> SafekeepingPlace
  • (PW-1469) MT 578 <-> sese.028.001.08 : Fixed mapping for 94a <-> SafekeepingPlace
  • (PW-1465) RITS translators: Generate automatic UETR if it doesn't exist in the MT source (Block3/121)
  • (PW-1459) sese.023 <-> MT 540 / MT 541 / MT 542 / MT 543 : Fixed mapping for HoldIndicator <-> 23G
  • (PW-1459) sese.024 <-> MT 548 : Fixed mapping for HoldIndicator <-> 23G
  • (PW-1455) sese.030 -> MT 530 : Fixed mapping for HoldIndicator into :22F::SETT
  • (PW-1454) MxToMt72FullField fix, accept proprietary codewords with alphanumeric characters
  • (PW-1440) MT 548 -> sese.024.001.10 : Added NOTPROVIDED to ProcessingStatus\CancellationRequested\AdditionalReasonInformation when :25D::IPRC equals to CPRC and :70D::REAS don't exist

10.1.3 - July 2023

  • (PW-1423) RITS: Added automatic message identifier generation for the MX header and group header
  • pacs.004 -> MT 103 : Revamped mappings for tag 70
  • pacs.008 -> MT 102 / 103 : Revamped mappings for tag 70
  • pacs.009 -> MT 202 COV / 205 COV : Revamped mappings for tag 70
  • pacs.008 -> MT 102 / 103 : Revamped mappings for tags 50 and 59 Name and Address component
  • pacs.009 -> MT 202 COV / 205 COV : Revamped mappings for tags 50 and 59 Name and Address component

10.1.2 - July 2023

  • (PW-1438) Added translation seev.044.001.12 -> MT564
  • (PW-1437) Added translation seev.039.001.12 -> MT564
  • (PW-1436) Added translation seev.037.001.14 -> MT566
  • (PW-1435) Added translation seev.036.001.14 -> MT566
  • (PW-1434) Added translation seev.035.001.14 -> MT564
  • (PW-1433) Added translation seev.031.001.13 -> MT564
  • (PW-1433) Added translation seev.031.001.13 -> MT568
  • Added specific translations for SCRIPS (MEPS+, Singapore RGTS) for MT103 and MT202 to MX
  • Added specific translations for SCRIPS (MEPS+, Singapore RTGS) for MT103 and MT202 to MX
  • (PW-1397) Added specific translations for CHATS (Hong Kong RTGS) for MT103 and MT202 to MX
  • (PW-1399) MT -> MX: amounts are converted into the MX decimal number with minimal decimal places according to the currency
  • (PW-1397) Added specific translations for CHATS (Hong Kong RGTS) for MT103 and MT202 to MX

10.1.1 - July 2023

  • (PW-1427) Added translations MT564 <-> seev.031.001.11
  • (PW-1427) Added translations MT568 <-> seev.031.001.11
  • (PW-1425) Added translation sese.029.001.04 -> MT578
  • (PW-1425) Added translation semt.020.001.05 -> MT578
  • (PW-1417) MT104 -> pain.008.001.08 : added mapping for 53A into RemittanceInformation/Structured/AdditionalRemittanceInformation
  • (PW-1424) Added translations MT530 <-> sese.030.001.08
  • (PW-1424) Added translations MT548 <-> sese.031.001.08
  • (PW-1399) FormatDecimal MT -> MX : added 2 fixed decimal places in all translations
  • (PW-1421) CBPR+ MT910 -> camt.054.001.08 : fixed CreditDebitIndicator from DBIT to CRDT
  • (PW-1412) Added translation sese.028.001.08 -> MT578

10.1.0 - June 2023

  • Migration to Java 11
  • Migration to Jakarta EE 10
  • (PW-1407) MT548 -> sese.024/032/034 / semt.014 and MT537 -> semt.018 : added pending reason code mapping (PATD to OTHR)
  • (PW-1407) MT548 -> sese.024/034 : added rejected reason code mapping (NARR to OTHR)
  • (PW-1406) CBPR+ MT to MX translations -> trim starting slashes while mapping account numbers into Identification/Other/Identification to be compliant with CBPR+ restricted charset
  • (PW-1394) Added CBPR+ translation camt.058.001.08 -> MT292
  • (PW-1394) Added CBPR+ translation camt.107.001.01 -> MT110
  • (PW-1394) Added CBPR+ translation camt.108.001.01 -> MT111
  • (PW-1394) Added CBPR+ translation camt.109.001.01 -> MT112
  • MTn92, MTn96 and MT200 to MX: Fixed translation of field 11[R,S] into date time element in MX, adding a dummy time component

9.4.0 - May 2023

  • SWIFT Standard release update 2023 (live 19 November 2023)
  • Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see

9.3.42 - June 2023

  • (PW-1395) Added translation MT578 -> sese.028.001.08
  • (PW-1391) pacs.008.001 -> MT102/103: Revamped implementation of MxToMtRemittanceInformation for translation into field 70
  • (PW-1390) CBPR+ pacs.009.001.08 -> MT200/202/205: Revamped implementation of MxToMtPartyNameAndStructuredAddress and MxToMtPartyNameAndUnstructuredAddress for translation into fields 52D/56D/57D/58D
  • (PW-1388) CBPR+ pacs.008.001.08 -> MT103: minor fix in function MxToMtAddressLineIsStructured
  • (PW-1385) CBPR+ pacs.008.001.08 -> MT103: minor fix in function MxToMtNameAndAddress (7/NIDN information)
  • (PW-1384) CBPR+ pacs.008.001.08 -> MT103: fixed mapping for PaymentTypeInformation/CategoryPurpose/Code into tag 23E
  • (PW-1382) sese.023.001.09 -> MT540/MT541/MT542/MT543: new mapping from OtherBusinessParties/Investor/Nationality to field 95C
  • (PW-1182) Added CBPR+ translation MT201 -> pacs.008.001.08
  • (PW-1182) Added CBPR+ translation MT203 -> pacs.008.001.08
  • (PW-1182) Added CBPR+ translations MT102 / MT102.STP <-> pacs.009.001.08 / pacs.009.001.08.STP
  • pacs.008/pacs.004/pain.001 -> MT101/102/103: truncate with evidence last line in field 70 mapping
  • CBPR+ camt.052/camt.053: fixes in fields 20/28C/34F/61 mapping
  • pacs.002 <-> MT199 / MT299: Revamped implementation of MxToMt72Or79REJT for translation into field 79

9.3.41 - May 2023

  • (PW-1371) pacs.004/pacs.008 -> MT102/MT103: conditional mapping to field 71G only if the amount is different from 0
  • (PW-1360/PW-1363) CBPR+ pacs.004 -> MT103: Revamped implementation of MxToMtRETN(MT1) for translation into field 72
  • (PW-1359) CBPR+ pacs.008.001.08.STP -> MT103.STP: use only the last PreviousAgent occurrence for mapping into field 72
  • pacs.004 -> MT103: implementation of MxToMtRETN(MT1) for translation into field 72
  • pacs.004 -> MT202/MT205: implementation of MxToMtRETN(MT2) for translation into field 72

9.3.40 - May 2023

  • Added specific translations for RITS (Australian RTGS) for MT103 and MT202 to MX
  • Added a TranslatorFactoryProvider to allow the creation of a TranslatorFactory for a specific market or clearing type
  • Added accessors for the TranslatorConfiguration in the Translator interface
  • Deprecated the 'translate' call with configuration parameter in favor of modifying the translator instance configuration

9.3.39 - April 2023

  • (PW-1353/1354) CBPR+ pacs.004/pacs.008/pacs.009 to MT: fixed tags 50/59 letter option logic and added MxToMtAddressLineIsStructured function implementation
  • (PW-1349) Enhanced mapping into field 72 by adding MxToMt72FullField function implementation
  • (PW-1349) Fixed the implementation of the InstructionForNextAgent function
  • (PW-1347) Added translation seev.044.001.11 -> MT564
  • (PW-1345) Added translation seev.037.001.13 -> MT566
  • (PW-1344) Added translation seev.036.001.13 -> MT566
  • (PW-1343) Added translation seev.035.001.13 -> MT564
  • (PW-1342) Added translations seev.031.001.12 -> MT564 / MT568

9.3.38 - April 2023

  • (PW-1340) CBPR+ MT210 -> camt.057: strip leading slash (/) while mapping tag 25 into Notification/Account/Identification/Other/Identification
  • (PW-1336) pacs.004.001 -> MT103 / MT202 / MT205: fixed mapping of tag 72, added XT99 code to unmappable reason codes

9.3.37 - April 2023

  • (PW-1335) MT to MX: fixed MxToMt72FullField for translation into field 72, multiple lines mapping in InstructionForNextAgent node
  • (PW-1334) camt.053 -> MT940 / MT950: fixed preconditions and mapping for 60F/M - 61
  • (PW-1330) pacs.008 -> MT103: fixed mapping of tag 77B, admit simultaneous /ORDERRES/ and /BENEFRES/ codes
  • (PW-1310/1314/1328/1329) MX to MT: mapping for Name and Address fields 50/52/53/54/56/57/58/59, Revamped implementation of MxToMtNameAndAddress functions
  • (PW-1310/1314/1328/1329) CBPR+ pacs.004/pacs.008/pacs.009 translators, using new MxToMtNameAndAddress functions
  • (PW-1276) MX to MT: MxToMt72FullField for translation into field 72, add ACC code to InstructionForCreditorAgent
  • Added and option in the translator configuration to define the specific version for the AppHdr to generate

9.3.36 - April 2023

  • (PW-1208) ISO pacs.008 / pacs.004 -> MT103: deprecated preconditions (InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent)

9.3.35 - April 2023

  • (PW-1325) sese.024 -> MT548: fixed translation of tag 24B:REJT, mapping of code OTHR to NARR

9.3.34 - April 2023

  • (PW-1319) pacs to MT103: removed mapping of extra content /LOCINS/CRED in field 72
  • (PW-1317) pacs.008.001 -> MT103: fixed mapping of tag 77B, included CountryOfResidence for Debtor and Creditor
  • (PW-1316) MT to MX: fixed mapping of tag 59F PartyIdentifier
  • (PW-1315) MT to MX: MxToMt72FullField for translation into field 72, excluded Proprietary fields in LOCINS indicator
  • (PW-1312) pacs.004.001 -> MT103 / MT202 / MT205: fixed mapping of tag 72, correct parsing of ReasonCode and AdditionalInformation
  • (PW-1311) CBPR+ pacs.008.001 -> MT103: fixed mapping of tag 59, extra row in Name and Address section
  • (PW-1309) CBPR+ pacs.008.001 -> MT103: fixed mapping of tag 59F, extra row in Name and Address section
  • (PW-1308) CBPR+ pacs.008.001 -> MT103: fixed mapping of tag 23E SDVA and INTC
  • (PW-1301) CBPR+ pacs.008.001 -> MT103: added mapping of tag 23E for HOLD, CHQB, PHOB and TELB codes in CreditTransferTransactionInformation\InstructionForCreditorAgent
  • (PW-1299) pacs.008.001 -> MT103 / MT102: fixed mapping of tag 70, added /URI/ indicator to RemittanceInformation\Unstructured mapping
  • (PW-1298) pacs.004.001 -> MT103 / MT202 / MT205: fixed mapping of tag 72, added /XT99/ to reason code
  • (PW-1297) MT to MX: fixed mapping of tag 52D, truncate line 2 when FinancialInstitutionIdentification\Name is longer than max length
  • (PW-1276) pacs.008.001 -> MT103 / MT102: fixed mapping of tag 70, RemittanceInformation\Unstructured with /RFB/ indicator

9.3.33 - March 2023

  • (PW-1296) CBPR+ MT202/205 -> pacs.009 and MT103 -> pacs.008: removed the precondition rejecting 53B in present along 54a
  • CBPR+ MT202/205 -> pacs.009 and MT204 -> pacs.010: fixed mapping of 58D into Name & Address to be compliant with CBPR+ UG rule
  • MT to MX: Removed unnecessary precondition checking the format of /CLSTIME/ in field 72

9.3.32 - March 2023

  • (PW-1288/1289/1290/1291/1293/1295) pacs.004.001.09/10 -> MT103: minor fixes in mapping for Creditor/Agent to field 59 and Debtor/Agent to field 50
  • (PW-1285) pacs.008.001 -> MT103: fixed mapping InstructionForCreditorAgent\Code CHQB to field 23E
  • (PW-1284/1294) minor fixes in MxToMt72FullField and MxToMt72FullField2 for translation into field 72
  • (PW-1283) pacs.004.001.09/10 -> MT103 / MT202 / MT205: fixed mapping for field 72 added extra TEXT line
  • (PW-1282) pacs.004.001.09/10 -> MT103: added mapping for Creditor/Agent to field 59 and Debtor/Agent to field 50
  • (PW-1280) pacs.008 -> MT103: fixed mapping of tag 70, remove /RFB/ prefix when EndToEndIdentification is NOTPROVIDED
  • (PW-1280) MX_To_MTAgent: removed Schema/Code prefix when it's different from CUID
  • (PW-1280) MX_To_MTFATFNameAndAddress: replaced last / separator in CountryCode/TownName/PostCode for CountryCode/TownName,PostCode
  • (PW-1278) pacs.009.001 -> MT202.COV: Implementation of MxToMt72FullField and MxToMt72FullField2 for translation into field 72
  • (PW-1276) CBPR+ pacs.008 -> MT103: Revamped implementation of MxToMt72FullField for translation into field 72
  • (PW-1275) Added translation semt.002.001.10 -> MT535
  • (PW-1267) MT103 -> pacs.008: Changed field 23E mapping to avoid InstructionForNextAgent/Code for compatibility with HVPS
  • (PW-1209) MT204 -> pacs.010.001.03: deprecated mandatory Block3/121 precondition and autogenerate new UETR if Block3/121 is missing

9.3.31 - March 2023

  • (PW-1270) MT535 -> semt.002.002.03 / semt.003.002.03: fixed mapping of tag 94a in Sequence B1 to BalanceForAccount/SafekeepingPlace
  • (PW-1265) ISO pacs.004.001.09/10 -> MT103 / MT202 / MT205: fixed reason code mapping for field 72
  • (PW-1265) ISO pacs.004.001.09/10 -> MT103 / MT202 / MT205: fixed selector criteria, defaulting to MT202
  • (PW-1265) ISO pacs.004.001.09/10 -> MT103: fixed mapping field 72, field 50F and field 57D
  • (PW-1208) ISO pacs.009 -> MT202: deprecated preconditions (InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent)

9.3.30 - March 2023

  • (PW-1271) MT192/MT292 -> camt.056.001.08/10: fixed mappings of fields 20 and 21 into the Underlying message information
  • (PW-1266) Fixed length in field 72 wrapped lines
  • (PW-1265) CBPR+ pacs.004.001.09 -> MT103 / MT202 / MT205: fixed reason code mapping for field 72
  • (PW-1262) CBPR+ pacs.004 -> MT103 / MT202 / MT205: fixed selector criteria, defaulting to MT202
  • (PW-1240) pacs.009 -> MT202/MT205: proper generation of the // (continuation of narrative) prefixes in field 72

9.3.29 - March 2023

  • (PW-1240) pacs.009.001.* -> MT202 / MT205: fixed mapping of RemittanceInformation/Unstructured in MxToMt72FullField2 for translation into field 72

9.3.28 - March 2023

  • (PW-1258) CBPR+ pacs.004.001.09 -> MT103: fixed mapping field 72, field 50F and field 57D
  • (PW-1257) camt.053.001.02/07/08 -> MT940: fixed mapping of multiple AdditionalEntryInformation to field 86
  • (PW-1182) Fixed translations MT940 <-> camt.060.001.05 for both generic ISO and CBPR+ versions
  • (PW-1182) Added translations MT940 <-> camt.060.001.06

9.3.27 - March 2023

  • (PW-1253) camt.056.001.08/10 -> MT192 / MT292: fixed mapping of OriginalGroupInformation\OriginalCreationDateTime to 11S
  • (PW-1252) camt.053.001.* -> MT950: fixed mapping of Statement\LegalSequenceNumber and Statement\ElectronicSequenceNumber to field 28C
  • (PW-1249) pacs.008.001.* -> MT102 / MT103: fixed mapping of RemittanceInformation/Unstructured with ROC prefix to field 70
  • (PW-1247) MT202 / MT205 to pacs.009: Fixed mapping of TELEBEN code into InstructionForCreditorAgent/Code
  • (PW-1245) CBPR+ pacs.009.001.08.COV -> MT202.COV: removed unnecessary RFB prefix in field 70, fixed field 72 line split
  • (PW-1240) MT103 -> pacs.008.001.*: removed unnecessary defaults 'false' for BatchBooking
  • (PW-1238) MT202 / MT205 -> pacs.009.001.*: fixed 53A mapping to SettlementInformation/SettlementAccount
  • (PW-1237) MT103 / MT103.STP -> pacs.008.001.*: fixed 53A mapping to /FIN53/ in InstructionForNextAgent
  • (PW-1235) CBPR+ pacs.009.001.* -> MT202 / MT205: Revamped implementation of MxToMt72FullField2 for translation into field 72
  • (PW-1233, PW-1246) CBPR+ pacs/camt -> MT: ignore FinancialInstitutionIdentification\PostalAddress\AddressLine containing "NOTPROVIDED"
  • (PW-1230) CBPR+ pacs.008.001.08 -> MT103: added mapping for field 26T
  • (PW-1229) Preserve whitespaces in XML element values when parsing the source MX for translation into MT
  • (PW-1229) CBPR+ pacs.008/pacs.009 -> MT103/MT202: fixed mapping of multiple occurrences of InstructionForNextAgent/InstructionInformation to field 72
  • (PW-1229) camt.053.001.* -> MT940: fixed mapping of EntryDetails/AdditionalEntryInformation to field 86
  • (PW-1229) TranslationConfiguration: added new attribute preserveWhitespaces to prevent the translator from trimming the node contents in the MX to MT translations

9.3.26 - March 2023

  • (PW-1251) CBPR+ MT to pacs.009: Fixed mapping of field 72 into repetitive InstructionForNextAgent with proper truncation

9.3.25 - March 2023

  • (PW-1228) CBPR+ translation: fixed duplicated Member Identification in field 57D when translating from a ClearingSystemMemberIdentification element
  • (PW-1225) CBPR+ pacs.004/pacs.009/pacs.009.COV/pacs.009.ADV -> MT202/MT202COV: removed unnecessary defaults 'NOTPROVIDED' for fields 52D-56D-57D
  • (PW-1219) camt.054.001.06/07/08/09 -> MT900/MT910: fixed AddtlTxInf split into field 72 lines

9.3.24 - March 2023

  • (PW-1224) Fixed RemittanceInformation\Unstructured -> tag 70 (code RFB deleted) in CBPR+ translation pacs.008.001.08 -> MT103
  • (PW-1220) Fixed tag 53B incorrect prefix (INGA = C/INDA = D) in CBPR+ translation pacs.008.001.08 -> MT103
  • (PW-1217) Fixed InstructionForNextAgent\InstructionInformation -> tag 72 (multiple occurrences) in CBPR+ translation pacs.008.001.08 -> MT103
  • (PW-1216) Fixed InstgAgt mapping to 72/INS/ in translation CBPR+ pacs.009.001.08 -> MT202
  • (PW-1210) Added translations MT102 <-> pacs.008.001.09
  • (PW-1210) Added translations MT103 / MT103.STP <-> pacs.008.001.09
  • (PW-1210) Added translations MT103 <-> pacs.004.001.10
  • (PW-1210) Added translations MT202 <-> pacs.004.001.10
  • (PW-1210) Added translations MT205 <-> pacs.004.001.10
  • (PW-1210) Added translations MT200 <-> pacs.009.001.09
  • (PW-1210) Added translations MT202 / MT202.COV <-> pacs.009.001.09
  • (PW-1210) Added translations MT205 / MT205.COV <-> pacs.009.001.09
  • (PW-1196) Fixed field 61/Supplementary Details mapping in the MT940 -> camt.053.001.07/08/09 translators
  • (PW-1182) MT920 to camt.060.001.05: fixed intermediate field 34F repetition mapping
  • (PW-1182) Added translations MT196/296 <-> camt.029.001.11
  • (PW-1182) Added translations pacs.009.001.08 -> MT205.COV

9.3.23 - February 2023

  • (PW-1205) Removed criteria selection in translations MT196/MT296 -> camt.029.001.09
  • (PW-1204) Fixed 22F:STCO repetitive tag in translations sese.024./sese.034. -> MT548 - semt.017.002.01 -> MT536 - semt.018.002.01 -> MT537

9.3.22 - February 2023

  • (PW-1196) Enhancements in the MT940 <-> camt.053.001.* translators to enable back-and-forth conversion without data loss
  • (PW-1196) Translator Factory: prefer MT940 over MT950 when both options are available as target MT
  • (PW-1194) Fixed field 50A mapping in pacs.008.001.* to MT translators, it was the wildcard letter option 'a' instead of 'A'
  • (PW-1089) Fixed Field 72 translation in MT103 -> pacs.008.001.*
  • (PW-1089) Internal enhancement of narrative fields content extraction (MTs n99, 103, 200, 202 and 205 to MX)

9.3.21 - February 2023

  • (PW-1183) Fixed criteria filter in translations pacs.008.001.08/10 -> MT102

9.3.20 - February 2023

  • (PW-1182) Added translations MT102 <-> pacs.008.001.08
  • (PW-1182) Added translations MT900 <-> camt.054.001.09
  • (PW-1182) Added translations MT192/292) <-> camt.056.001.10
  • (PW-1182) Added translations MT941 <-> camt.052.001.09
  • (PW-1182) Added translation camt.060.001.06 -> MT920
  • (PW-1089) pacs.008 to MT103: enhanced field 72 mapping to support and propagate also custom codes
  • (PW-1173) mapped the MX header priority into the target MT also when the direction of the MT is inbound (SwiftBlock2Output)
  • Reviewed preconditions for pacs, semt to meet MT semantic checks restrictions
  • Reviewed MT103 translation preconditions to make sure field 54A used with //RT indicator is followed by data for the member id

9.3.19 - January 2023

  • (PW-1157) Added translation seev.035.001.11 to MT564

9.3.18 - January 2023

  • (PW-1148) Added translation MT548 to sese.027.001.05
  • (PW-1146) Added translations sese.020.001.06 to MT540/MT541/MT542/MT543
  • (PW-1137) Added translations MT199/MT299 RJCT to pacs.002.001.10 (generic ISO 20022 and CBPR+ versions)

9.3.17 - December 2022

  • (PW-1138) camt.057.001.06 to MT210: Notification/Item/Account fix
  • (PW-1137) CBPR+ translation issue for pacs.002
  • (PW-1136) Added translation seev.039.001.10/11 to MT564
  • (PW-1135) Added translation seev.037.001.11 to MT566
  • (PW-1134) Added translation seev.036.001.11 to MT566
  • (PW-1133) Added translation seev.035.001.10 to MT564
  • (PW-1132) Added translation seev.031.001.10 to MT564
  • (PW-1131) Added translation seev.031.001.10 to MT568
  • (PW-1129) CBPR pacs.008.001.08 to MT103: minor fix fin field 72 /REC/ mapping
  • MT300 to fxtr.014.001.03: implementation enhancements

9.3.16 - December 2022

  • (PW-1125) pacs.009.001 to MT202 precondition SR23 fix

9.3.15 - December 2022

  • (PW-1123) MT202/MT205 to pacs.009.001: added mapping of account in field 53A into instruction for next agent with /FIN53/ prefix
  • Internal implementation enhancements in MT564/MT568 to seev.031 and MT564 to seev.039

9.3.14 - November 2022

  • (PW-1112) sese.023.001.09 to MT540, MT541, MT542 and MT543 enhancements

9.3.13 - November 2022

  • (PW-1111) Added translation sese.023.001.09 to MT541 and MT543
  • Added translation sese.024.001.09 to MT548

9.3.12 - November 2022

  • Updated Apache Commons Text dependency to 1.10 to fix reported CVE
  • (PW-1103) MT210 <-> camt.057.001.06: Enhanced mapping of fields 50, 52 and 56
  • (PW-1100) MT196/296 to camt.029: optional 11R/11S criteria check and added 11S translation
  • (PW-1089) MT103 to pacs.008: Enhanced mapping of fields 70 and 72 into InstructionForNextAgent and RemittanceInformation
  • (PW-1044) MT103 to pacs.008 - added narrative 72 /LOCINS/ /CATPURP/ and Batch Booking node
  • Added translation MT200 to camt.050.001.05

9.3.11 - November 2022

  • Migrated SIC translations to release 4.9

9.3.10 - October 2022

  • Added translation camt.050.001.05 to MT200
  • (PW-1088) MT101 to pain.001 and MT103 to pacs.008: field 23E mapping enhancements

9.3.9 - October 2022

  • (PW-1077) MT548 to sese.024.001.10 mapping enhancements
  • (PW-1063) MT544/545/546/547 to sese.025.001.09: Fixed partial settlement indicator mapping (PART, NPAR)
  • (PW-1063) MT542 to sese.023.001.09: Fixed partial settlement indicator mapping (PART, NPAR)
  • (PW-1057) MT to pacs.008 and pacs.009 - translate field 72 - added /BNF/ and /REC/ prefix in MX output

9.3.8 - October 2022

  • (PW-1075) MT548 to sese.024.001.10: MatchingStatus fixes with default if field 70D is not present
  • (PW-1072) pacs to MT103 (and 202): Fixed logic for field 33B mapping to avoid D49 error in semantic check
  • (PW-1057) MT103 to pacs.008: Remittance Unstructured mapped from Field 72 /BNF/ with fallback to mapping from field 70 if /BNF/ is not present
  • (PW-1064) Fallback option to system classloader in resource loading
  • Enhancements in MT party identifier into to MX clearing system identification mappings
  • Added missing new versions for SRU2022 to the translator factory

9.3.7 - September 2022

  • (PW-1066) Added translations MT545 MT546 MT547 to sese.025.001.09
  • (PW-1065) Added translation sese.023.001.09 to MT542
  • (PW-1063) Added translation MT544 to sese.025.001.09
  • (PW-1062) pacs.008/pacs.009 to MT translates enhancements in field 20 for consistency between CBPR+ and generic ISO 20022 mappings
  • (PW-1061) Revamp of the translation factory in order to enhance defaults and disambiguation
  • (PW-1060) Fixed cast exception in MX to MT translations using explicit Output direction for the target message
  • (PW-1059) MT to MX: Fixes an enhancements in translation of fields 50F and 59F (MTs; 101, 102, 103, 104, 202, 205, 210)
  • (PW-1057) MT to pacs.008/pacs.009 enhanced mapping of REC code in field 72
  • (PW-955) pain.001 to MT101: copy raw unstructured remittance information to field 70
  • Added enum classes MtToMxTranslation and MxToMtTranslation will the supported translations

9.3.6 - September 2022

  • (PW-1043) CBPR+: Minor enhancements in the 192/292 to camt.056 translations
  • (PW-1006) Changed the translation factory, to fall-back into 29 for MT target when both 19 and 29* are feasible
  • Added generic ISO: MT103 to pacs.002.001.10 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT196 to camt.029.001.09 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT200 to pacs.009.001.08 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT202 to pacs.002.001.10 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT202 to pacs.004.001.09 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT202COV to pacs.002.001.10 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT204 to pacs.010.001.03 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT205 to pacs.002.001.10 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT205 to pacs.004.001.09 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT205 to pacs.009.001.08 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT205COV to pacs.002.001.10 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT205COV to pacs.009.001.08 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: MT296 to camt.029.001.09 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: camt.029.001.09 to MT196 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: camt.029.001.09 to MT296 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: camt.056.001.08 to MT292 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: camt.057.001.06 to MT210 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: camt.060.001.05 to MT920 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: pacs.002.001.10 to MT199 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: pacs.002.001.10 to MT299 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: pacs.004.001.09 to MT202 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: pacs.004.001.09 to MT205 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: pacs.009.001.08 to MT200 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: pacs.009.001.08 to MT205 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Added generic ISO: pacs.010.001.03 to MT204 (based on CBPR+ translation)
  • Removed unnecesary unescape in internal extractPattern function

9.3.5 - September 2022

  • (PW-1031) Added translation MT548 to sese.024.001.10
  • (PW-1006) MX to MT: Added a translation coverage report to see what source elements have been read during the translation
  • semt.020.002.01 to MT578 mapping fix for REDE/RECE => REAG semantic check compiance in the generated MT

9.3.4 - August 2022

  • (PW-1012) sese.027.001.05 to MT548 mapping fixes

9.3.3 - August 2022

  • (PW-955) pain.001 to MT101: added truncation to the text after /RFB in field 70
  • Added internal loops API to MTs: 110, 201, 203, 210, 410, 412, 420, 422, 450, 456, 604, 605, 801, 920, 973

9.3.2 - July 2022

  • (PW-958) Enhanced the truncation report to differentiate between truncation regular fields and reference fields
  • (PW-949) MX to MT: enhanced mapping of name & address fields, with truncation with evidence and having the country, when present, always at the last line
  • (PW-948) MX -> MT202, MT204, MT205: enhanced mapping of field 58D
  • (PW-948) MX -> MT202, MT204, MT205: enhanced mapping of field 58D
  • (PW-948) pacs.009.01.10 -> MT202: enhanced mapping of field 58D
  • (PW-943) Added translation: pacs.002.001.10 positive -> MT199/MT299
  • (PW-943) pacs.002.001.10 positive to MT199/MT299
  • (PW-935) Added MT-MX translation for latest versions of seev.031, seev.032, seev.033, seev.034, seev.038, seev.039, seev.040, seev.041, seev.042
  • (PW-932) Added translation: pacs.008.001.08 (ISO and CBPR+) -> MT103.REMIT
  • (PW-932) Added a translation configuration parameter to disable the generation of the PDE flag
  • (PW-932) Added translation: camt.056.001.08 -> MT192
  • (PW-924) Added translation: camt.052.001.09 <-> MT942
  • (PW-924) Added translation: camt.053.001.09 <-> MT940
  • (PW-924) Added translation: camt.053.001.09 <-> MT950
  • (PW-924) Added translation: camt.054.001.09 <-> MT910
  • setr.004.001.04 -> MT502: mapped the Holdings Redemption Rate into 36B::ORDR/UNIT to be compliant with semantic 258 check
  • MT102 -> pacs.008.001.10: fixed mapping to be compliant with MX cross element checks
  • Implementation enhancements

9.3.1 - May 2022

  • (PW-832) Added translation sese.023.001.09 -> MT540
  • MX to MT: Added truncation with evidence in party identification name fields

9.3.0 - May 2022

  • SWIFT Standard release update 2022 (live 20 November 2022)
  • Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see

9.2.35 - May 2022

  • (PW-918) Added translation MT192/MT292 -> camt.056.001.08
  • (PW-908) Added translation: MT102 -> pacs.008.001.10
  • (PW-813) Internal enhancement to fix CVE
  • Added getTruncatedContent() to the Translator interface
  • Deprecation API review

9.2.34 - May 2022

  • (PW-915) Added translation: pacs.009.001.10 <-> MT202
  • (PW-915) Added translation: pacs.008.001.10 <-> MT103
  • (PW-908) Added translation: pacs.008.001.10 -> MT102
  • Mx to MT: Added a post process to sanitize with default values missing components in party fields options D, K and H

9.2.33 - May 2022

  • (PW-905) MX pain.001 to MT101: Added default values for charges and creditor and removed related preconditions

9.2.32 - May 2022

  • (PW-899) sese.027.001.05 -> MT548 added the mapping of TxDtls into SETTRAN
  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT950 <-> camt.053.001.08
  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT941 <-> camt.052.001.08
  • Added CBPR+ translation: camt.060.001.05 -> MT920
  • Added CBPR+ translation: pacs.009.001.08 -> MT200
  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT941 <-> camt.052.001.08

9.2.31 - April 2022

  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT200 -> pacs.009.001.08
  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT942 -> camt.052.001.08
  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT940 -> camt.053.001.08
  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT204 <-> pacs.010.001.03
  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT103, MT202, MT205 -> pacs.004.001.09
  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT900 -> camt.054.001.08
  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT910 -> camt.054.001.08
  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT210 -> camt.057.001.06
  • Added CBPR+ translation: MT101 <-> pain.001.001.09
  • MT101 to pain.001: fixed mapping of fields 50F and 59F, with preference for structured postal address instead of unstructured address lines
  • CBPR+ MT192 and MT292 to camt.056: Added mapping of mandatory CreationDateTime
  • MT103 STP to CBPR+ pacs.008.001.08.STP: Fixed mapping of mandatory creditor account
  • CBPR+ MT to MX: changed the mapping of GroupHeader/CreationDateTime to have a fixed dummy date instead of the current time
  • (PW-887) MT to MX: fixed the concatenation of narrative, to use space separator or not, depending on the MT value being split by length or words
  • (PW-887) MX to MT: added a postprocess of the created message to sanitize fields with lines starting with '-' or ':' using '.' as replacement

9.2.30 - April 2022

  • seev.036 and seev.037 to MT566: Fixed mapping of CADETL dates
  • seev.036 to MT566: Fixed mapping of SECMOVE dates, CASHMOVE and 19B::WITF -> 19B::FTCA
  • seev.035 to MT564: FIxed mapping of CADETL
  • Added CBPR+ translation: camt.057.001.06 -> MT210
  • MX to MT: Fixed mapping of field 50F party identifier using code, country and identifier (no account number)

9.2.29 - April 2022

  • Added translations: MT196/MT296 -> CBPR+ camt.029.001.09
  • Added translations xsys.011.001.01 and xsys.001.001.02 -> ACK/NAK (service 21 message)
  • Fixed MIR generation in translations from xsys.012 and xsys.003 to MT019

9.2.28 - March 2022

  • Added CBPR+ translation camt.029.001.09 to MT196/296
  • (PW-747) Added translation: MT104 -> pain.008.001.08

9.2.27 - March 2022

  • (PW-872) Fixed mapping of field 95Q with multiple lines of name & address
  • Added translations: MT566 <-> seev.036.002.12 and seev.036.001.12
  • Added translations: MT566 <-> seev.037.002.12 and seev.037.001.12
  • Added translations: MT564 <-> seev.035.002.12 and seev.035.001.12
  • Added translations: MT564 <-> seev.044.002.10 and seev.044.001.10

9.2.26 - March 2022

  • Added CBPR+ translation MT103 REJT to pacs.002.001.10
  • Added CBPR+ translation MT202 REJT and MT202 COV REJT to pacs.002.001.10
  • Added CBPR+ translation MT205 REJT and MT205 COV REJT to pacs.002.001.10
  • (PW-865) MT540/541/542/543 to sese.023.001.09: fixed mapping of place of trade 94B
  • Added API to the translation factories to indicate a specific message type/version output

9.2.25 - March 2022

  • (PW-747) Added CBPR+ translations camt.056 <-> MT192/MT292

9.2.24 - March 2022

  • Enhanced support for local date time offset in the mappings
  • MX to MT: mapping review for fields 98a, with preference of 98E over 98C when possible
  • From prowide-iso2022 update: changed the default date time serialization to local time with UTC offset

9.2.23 - March 2022

  • (PW-859) MT54x to sese.020 fixed mapping of fields 20C:SEME, 20C:PCTI and 20C:MITI

9.2.22 - February 2022

  • Added CBPR+ translation camt.052 to MT942
  • camt.052 to MT941/MT942 migrated to common translations hierarchy
  • camt.052/053 to MT: Fixed mapping of pagination into 28C
  • CBPR+ fixed translation of 72:/INS to previous instructing agent, added dummy postal address to be compliant with UG

9.2.21 - February 2022

  • Added translation versions MT566 to seev.036.001.12 and seev.037.001.12
  • Added CBPR+ translation camt.053 to MT940
  • Added CBPR+ translation camt.054 to MT900/MT910
  • Added CBPR+ translation pacs.002 negative to MT199/MT299 REJT
  • CBPR+ MT202 to pacs.009 ADV: fixed mapping of settlement information from fields 53a and 54a in the MT
  • CBPR+ MT103 and MT202 mapping: fixed mapping for default creditor and debtor agents
  • camt.053 to MT940/MT950 migrated to common translations hierarchy

9.2.20 - January 2022

  • (PW-831) camt.052 and camt.053 to 9xx: Fixed direction toggle by configuration

9.2.19 - January 2022

  • Added CBPR+ translation pacs.004.001.09 to MT103 RETN
  • Added CBPR+ translation pacs.004.001.09 to MT202 RETN
  • Added CBPR+ translation pacs.004.001.09 to MT205 RETN
  • Added CBPR+ translation pacs.009.001.08.ADV to MT202
  • Added CBPR+ translation pacs.009.001.08 to MT205
  • Added CBPR+ translation pacs.009.001.08.COV to MT205COV
  • Added translation version pacs.004.001.09 to MT103 RETN
  • (PW-747) Added translations version for pain.001.001.09 <--> MT101
  • (PW-831) MT9xx to camt.05x: Versions 6, 7 and 8 migrated to common translations hierarchy
  • MT101 to pain.001.001.08: migrated to common translations hierarchy
  • Migrated CBPR+ translations to release 2.1

9.2.18 - January 2022

  • (PW-798) Added translations from MT540, MT541, MT542 and MT543 to sese.020.001.06
  • (PW-798) Added translations from sese.027.001.05 to MT548
  • Added specific translation implementation classes for CBPR+ (pacs.009 --> MT202)
  • Added a CbprTranslatorFactory to autodetect source CBPR+ messages and provide its corresponding translation implementation
  • MT to seev: Fixed incorrect version at AppHdr/MsgDefIdr in some MT to seev translations
  • MX to MT: Added a translation configuration option to enabled or disabled the conversion of non-SWIFT characters into '.'

9.2.17 - January 2022

  • Added specific translation implementation classes for CBPR+ (pacs.009 <-- MT202/MT205)
  • MT103 and MT202 to MX: removed redundant mapping for Interbank Settlement Date to meet cross-element rule constraint
  • MT202 to pacs.009: Added criteria selection, field 72 must not indicate message is a rejection or return
  • MT202 to pacs.009: Versions 6, 7 and 8 migrated to common translations hierarchy
  • MT202 to pacs.009: enhanced mapping of SttlmInf in GrpHdr according to the CBPR+ METAFCT002/METAFCT003

9.2.17 - December 2021

  • Added specific translation implementation classes for CBPR+ (pacs.008 <-> MT103)
  • Added com.prowidesoftware.integrator.translations as automatic module name in the MANIFEST for JPMS support
  • MT103 to pacs.008.001.08: minor mapping enhancements (UETR, field 13C)
  • MT to MX: Changed default ISO date time to local time with offset (for CBPR+ compatibility)
  • MT to MX: Changed default label for missing content from UNKNOWN to NOTPROVIDED (for CBPR+ compatibility)

9.2.16 - December 2021

  • (PW-781) Added translation sese.025.001.09 to MT545 and MT547
  • (PW-779) Added translation MT541 and MT543 to sese.023.001.09
  • MT103 to pacs.008: added criteria check to avoid translating RETURN messages into pacs.008 (pacs.004 should be used instead)
  • MT to MX: BusinessApplicationHeaderV02 is now generated by default instead of BusinessApplicationHeaderV01
  • Added back and forth mapping between the MT priority and PDE flag and the MX AppHdr

9.2.15 - November 2021

  • MT103 to pacs.008: enhanced mapping of SttlmInf in GrpHdr according to the CBPR+ METAFCT001

9.2.14 - November 2021

  • (PW-769): Added mapping for expected trade and settlement dates (from B/98a into NewDetails dates)
  • MT103 to pacs.008: removed redundant IntrBkSttlmDt from GrpHdr (already mapped in CdtTrfTxInf) to be compliant with cross-element rule

9.2.13 - November 2021

  • (PW-762) Added translation MT542 to sese.023.001.09

9.2.12 - November 2021

  • (PW-754) camt.054 to MT900 and MT910: fixed mapping of 13D, 32A value date, 52D, 72 and added mapping for 50F option

9.2.11 - October 2021

  • (PW-643) setr.010.001.04 to MT502: RSET is set from CshSttlmDt (with fallback to ReqdFutrTradDt)

9.2.10 - October 2021

  • (PW-643) setr.004.001.04 to MT502: RSET is set from CshSttlmDt (with fallback to ReqdFutrTradDt)

9.2.9 - October 2021

  • (PW-643) MT509 to setr.016.001.04: changed mapping of OrdrDtlsRpt to IndvOrdrDtlsRpt to align with the SMPG spec
  • (PW-663) Added translation MT210 to camt.057.001.06
  • (PW-663) Added translation MT103 RETURN to pacs.004.001.09

9.2.8 - October 2021

  • (PW-709) MT54x and 578 to sese: fixed generation of empty Settlement Transaction Condition
  • (PW-709) MT540 to sese.023.001.09: fixed mapping of Partial Settlement Indicator
  • (PW-708) pacs.008 and pacs.004 to MT: Fixed mapping of third reimbursement agent account
  • (PW-643) setr.004.001.04 and setr.010.001.04 to MT502: RSET is set from CshSttlmDt (with fallback to ReqdFutrTradDt)

9.2.7 - September 2021

  • (JR-613) pacs.009 to MT202: Avoid redundant codewords in field 72 lines

9.2.6 - September 2021

  • (PW-662) pacs.009.001.08 to MT202[COV]: added mapping for PaymentIdentification/UETR into Block3/121 with fallback to autogenerated UETR
  • (PW-643) MT515 to setr.012 and setr.006: added mapping for 95a::ALTE and removed related precondition check

9.2.5 - August 2021

  • (PW-643) MT515 into setr.012: enhanced mapping of InvstmtAcctDtls/AcctId to avoid precondition on INVE/BUYR parties
  • (PW-643) MT515 into setr.006.001.04 and setr.012.001.04: fixed mapping of 35B when ISIN is not present (CUSIP, SEDOL, etc...)
  • (PW-643) setr into MT502: TILI indicator defaults to GTCA (good until canceled)
  • License check fix when source MX does not contain AppHdr

9.2.4 - August 2021

  • (PW-626) sese.024.001 and sese.025.001 to MT: mapped AppHdr/CreDt into 98C:PREP
  • (PW-623) MT566 to seev036: removed unnecessary precondition check and enhanced mapping of the ADDB indicator, amount and rates
  • (PW-613) pacs.009 to MT202 and MT202COV: Enhanced mapping of field 72
  • Added API to set default amount, unit and currency; when it is mandatory in a target element/field and not present in the source message

9.2.3 - August 2021

  • (PW-642) sese.025.001.09 to MT: fixed PlcOfTrad into 94B:EXCH mapping, fixed FctvSttlmDt into 98C:ESET mapping
  • (PW-643) setr.004.001.04 and setr.010.001.04 to MT502: multiple mapping enhancements
  • (PW-643) setr.004, setr.006, setr.010, setr.012, setr.015: enhanced mapping into 35B without ISIN, including corresponding prefixes
  • (PW-569) pacs.008 and pacs.009 to MT: enhanced heuristic to attempt mapping into 50F and 59F instead of 50K and 59
  • pacs.008 and pacs.009 to MT: minor bugfix translating into field 50F when StrtNm and BldgNb concatenation exceeds the line limit in field 50F
  • (PW-605) MT to MX: avoid split of DSS into Issr and SchmeNm elements if the Issr alone in the MX has enough length for the DSS value
  • (PW-591-598, 600-604, 607-612, 614, 616, 618) Mapping fixes in MT564 to seev.031.001.10

9.2.2 - July 2021

  • (PW-626) sese.024.001.10 to MT548: several mapping fixes
  • (PW-572) pacs.008 to MT103: avoid the /REC/ in field 72 if the InstrForNxtAgt already contains and instruction code
  • (PW-569) pacs.009 to MT202COV: added mapping of structured beneficiary data into field 59F option
  • (PW-567) pacs.008.001.08 to MT103: added mapping for PaymentIdentification/UETR into Block3/121 with fallback to autogenerated UETR
  • Added translation sese.025.001.09 to MT546
  • (PW-569) pacs.008 to MT103: added mapping of structured beneficiary data into field 59F option
  • (PW-568) pacs.008 to MT103: fixed mapping of CtgyPurp/Cd with "INTC" or "CORT" into 23E
  • (PW-617) MT502, MT504, MT515, MT564 and MT566 to MX: fixed mapping of 98E with offset into ISO date time
  • (PW-580-582-585-586-588-589-590) Mapping fixes in MT564 to seev.031.001.10
  • (PW-581) MT to MX: Preserve starting and trailing spaces when narrative field content is mapped into multiple lines of a single XML element
  • (PW-568) pacs.008 to MT103: mapped special use case of CtgyPurp/Prtry with "INTC CORT" into respective 23E instances with "INTC" and "CORT"
  • (PW-567) pacs.008 to MT103: avoid propagation of useless EndToEndId with "NOTPROVIDED" to field 70:/ROC/NOTPROVIDED
  • MT856 translations: fixed mapping for sequence B6b
  • Added translation setr.004.001.04 to MT502
  • Added translation setr.010.001.04 to MT502
  • (PW-579) MT564 to seev.031 added mapping for 70E::OFFO into Offerr elements
  • (PW-577) MT564 to seev.031.001.10 added mapping for 25D with DSS into processing status
  • sese and semt to MT: fixed mapping for SETPRTY 97A::SAFE when type and name was present besides the account identifier
  • MX to MT: general fix in field 20C mapping that could occasionally generate more than 16 characters
  • Added translation MT540 to sese.023.001.09
  • Added translation sese.024.001.10 to MT548
  • Added translation sese.025.001.09 to MT544

9.2.1 - June 2021

  • Added translation MT509 to setr.016.001.04
  • Added translation MT515 to setr.006.001.04
  • Added translation MT515 to setr.012.001.04
  • Added translation seev.035.001.03 to MT564
  • Added translation seev.039.001.03 to MT564
  • Added translation seev.044.001.03 to MT564
  • setr.017 to MT509: OrdrRef reverted change, mapped back to TRRF instead of RELA
  • MX to MT: preserve line breaks in MT fields when translated from MX narrative content
  • Added translation seev.038.001.03 to MT568
  • (PW-551) seev.031 to MT564: fixed 90K PRPP and 90L OFFR field mapping into cash movement details
  • (PW-550) MT564 to seev.035, MT565 to seev.033, MT566 to seev.036: fixed mapping of field 90J currency component
  • (PW-549) seev.031.001.10 to MT564: fixed mapping of MACI MICI and MMCI into the corporate action option details
  • (PW-548) seev.031 to MT564: fixed mapping of 90F, 90J and 90L OFFR into the securities movement details
  • (PW-547) seev.031 to MT564: added mapping for 90s option L into the maximum and minimum price details with 'PRCT' as default code
  • (PW-546) seev.031 to MT564: fixed mapping of price details in SctiesMvmntDtls
  • (PW-545) seev.031.001.03 to MT564: fixed mapping of certification breakdown flags
  • (PW-544) MT564 to seev.031: fixed mapping of indicator flags in CADETL and CAOPTN
  • (PW-543) seev.031.001.03 to MT564: fixed ISIN mapping
  • (PW-542) MT564 to seev.031.001.10: fixed mapping of repetitive 70E content
  • (PW-541) MT564 to seev.031.001.10: added missing mapping for 92D:WAPA into WarrantParity
  • (PW-537) MT to MX: fixed mapping of face amount, that in some cases was propagated as 1.0 instead of the actual value
  • (PW-535) MT564 to seev.031.001.10: mapping fixes in the cash movement details
  • (PW-533) Added translation from seev.031.001.09 to MT564
  • MX pacs.008 and pacs.004 to MT103: fixed calculation of total charges in field 71G when the ChrgsInf is repeated in the MX
  • Mapping fixes in setr.006.001.04, setr.012.001.04 and setr.015.001.04 to MT515
  • Mapping fix in MT103 to pacs.008 when multiple sender charges are present
  • (PW-521) MT564 to seev.031.001.10: reviewed mapping of rate and amount details
  • setr016 and setr.017 to MT509: OrdrRef is mapped into RELA instead of TRRF

9.2.0 - May 2021

  • SWIFT Standard release update 2021 (live 21 November 2021)
  • Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see

9.1.12 - April 2021

  • (PW-518) More flexible check of licensed BIC codes extracted from the translated MT headers
  • xsys.012 to MT019: minor fix in target message fields order

9.1.11 - February 2021

  • (CR-34) Added seev. to MT564 and MT568 translations
  • (CR-34) Added MT564 and MT568 to seev.031.001.10 translations
  • Fixed seev.031 to 564/568 invalid codewords MIEX and MILT in translation into field 36B
  • Fixed generation of 20C:SEME when BAH is not present, in translations from seev.031/033/034/037/038/044
  • Fixed generation of LINK in translations from: seev.031/032/033/034/035/036/037, semt.016, sese.023/026/033/037

9.1.10 - January 2021

  • (PW-438) Further enhancements in the setr.016 to MT509 when status is suspended

9.1.9 - January 2021

  • (PW-438) Fixed setr.016 to MT509 when status is suspended with proprietary reason code

9.1.8 - December 2020

  • Added translation from camt.053.001.02 to MT940
  • Added a one to many special translation for camt.053.001.02 to list of MT940
  • License check review

9.1.7 - November 2020

  • (PW-368) setr.015.001, setr.006.001 and setr.012.001 to MT515: Fixed mapping of transfer agent into 95Q from RltdPtyDtls with code TRAG
  • (PW-368) setr.015 to MT515: added mapping for :22H::CAOP from Income Preference in the MX
  • (PW-368) setr.015 to MT515: changed the mapping of InvstmtAcctDtls/AcctId into 95Q SELL/BUYR instead of 97A:SAFE
  • setr.015.001 MT515: enhanced mapping for 35B when identification is not an ISIN
  • setr.015.001 to MT515: removed no longer necessary precondition checks 30, 31 and 34
  • setr.006.001 to MT515: removed no longer necessary precondition checks 25
  • Fixed option to set sender/receiver from configuration in MX to MT940, MT941, MT942, MT900 and MT910 translations

9.1.6 - November 2020

  • (PW-368) setr.012.001 to MT515: removed no longer necessary precondition checks 6
  • (PW-368) setr.015.001 to MT515: removed no longer necessary precondition checks 5
  • (PW-368) setr.006.001 to MT515: removed no longer necessary precondition checks 5, 19 and 36
  • (PW-368) setr.006.001 and setr.012.001 to to 515: Mapped amount with codeword SWIT into amount with OTHR in the MT since SWIT is not accepted
  • (PW-368) setr.006.001 and setr.012.001 to MT515: enhanced mapping for 35B when identification is not an ISIN
  • (PW-368) setr.006.001 and setr.012.001 to MT515: fixed mapping for 95P when source message party information contains a BIC code
  • semt, sese and setr into MT: fixed mapping into fields 19A and 90B when source message has too many decimal digits
  • setr into MT: fixed mapping into field 95R from when source uses a proprietary identification

9.1.5 - November 2020

  • (PW-368) setr.016.001 to MT509: enhanced mapping for /Extension content
  • (PW-368) setr.017.001 to MT509: enhanced mapping for /Extension content
  • (PW-368) setr.017.001 to MT509: references and status mapping review
  • (PW-368) setr.006.001 to MT515: more lenient precondition, and enhanced amounts mapping
  • (PW-368) setr.012.001 to MT515: more lenient precondition, and enhanced amounts mapping
  • (PW-368) setr.015.001 to MT515: more lenient precondition, and enhanced amounts mapping
  • (PW-368) setr.016.001 to MT509: added mapping for the Extension into the Reason narrative 70D
  • (PW-395) Added translation for MT567 to seev.041.001.10 corporate action cancellation status

9.1.4 - October 2020

  • (PW-368) Enhanced the setr.016.001 to MT509 translation to support all code and reason structures in the source MX
  • (PW-374) Added a one to many special translation for pacs.001 to list of MT101
  • (PW-374) Added sender, receiver and direction to the optional TranslatorConfiguration
  • (PW-368) Added global preventive check in MX to MT translations to avoid propagating tab characters into MT fields
  • (PW-368) setr to MT515: added fallback mappings for mandatory fields 98a:SETT and 95:SELL or 95:BUYR in MT515
  • (PW-377) pacs.001 to MT101 added a fallback mapping from CdtTrfTxInf/PmtId/EndToEndId into field 21 when CdtTrfTxInf/PmtId/InstrId is not present
  • (PW-377) pacs.001 to MT101 added a fallback mapping to create the optional field 23E with value OTHR if no other 23E field is created
  • MT to MX: General fix for 35B ISIN mapping into MX identification of security elements

9.1.3 - August 2020

  • (PW-368) MX to MT: enhanced mapping of references (field 20 or 20C:SEME) with fallback to reference from AppHdr and truncation if necessary
  • setr.016 to MT509: fixed mapping of mandatory field 24B

9.1.2 - August 2020

  • (PW-320) Replaced legacy default translations DSS name 'STRS' by 'COEX' (Coexistence global DSS from ISO 20022)
  • Added version 8 translation between pacs.009 and MT202
  • Added version 8 translation between pacs.008 and MT103
  • Added version 8 translation between camt.053 and MT940
  • Added version 8 translation between camt.053 and MT950
  • Added version 8 translation between camt.054 and MT900
  • Added version 8 translation between camt.054 and MT910
  • In pacs.009 to 202 fixed precondition check for the CdtTrfTxInf[1]/PrvsInstgAgt
  • Minor Fix in MX to MT time with offset mapping, offset was not propagated properly in some use cases
  • Minor fix in logical criteria exception messages
  • Added pacs.004.001.02 to MT 103 RETURN translation (for both ISO and SIC versions)
  • Added pacs.002.001.03 to ACK/NAK translation (for both ISO and SIC versions)
  • MX to MT: Added a parameter in the TranslatorConfiguration to optionally set a ClearingSystemMemberIdToBic function implementation
  • SIC: MT to MX, trimmed spaces from reference to be compliant with SIC restriction
  • SIC: MT103 to pacs.008 instructed agent mapped from 56A when present in the MT
  • SIC: MT202 to pacs.009 instructed agent mapped from 57A when present in the MT

9.1.1 - Jun 2020

  • MT103 to pacs.008 fixed mapping of fields 70 and 72
  • MT101 to pacs.008 fixed mapping of fields 70 and 72
  • MT202 to pacs.009 fixed mapping of fields 70 and 72
  • MT202 to pacs.009 fixed precondition checking the format of the CLSTIME
  • MT to MX: general enhancements in mapping of field 50F when line numbers are repeated
  • MT502 to to setr.004 and setr.010: enhanced mapping for fields 70E and 70C
  • MT564 to seev.031 enhanced mapping for field 94G
  • MT565 to seev.033 enhanced mapping for fields 70E and 95G
  • MT568 to seev.031 enhanced mapping for field 70E

9.1.0 - May 2020

  • SWIFT Standard release update 2020 (live 22 November 2020)
  • Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see

9.0.1 - May 2020

  • Internal implementation changes to the use the new AppHdr model in the SDK

9.0.0 - May 2020

  • Translations module extracted to its own jar in the distribution, with its own version from now on
  • (PW-286) Fixed ISO datetime conversions into MT variants

8.0.8 - April 2020

  • Fixed logical message criteria for camt.054 into 900 or 910 depending on the entry debit/credit indicator
  • Fixed translator factory finder for pacs.008.001.06 to 103 and seev to 566
  • Change in preconditions from camt.053 to MT to make them more flexible

8.0.7 - March 2020

  • Added specific translations for SIC (SWISS RTGS): between 202 and pacs.009
  • Added specific translations for SIC (SWISS RTGS): between 103 and pacs.008
  • In MX to MT: fixed extra slash when mapping clearing system codes or account numbers into party fields
  • pacs.008 to 103 and pacs.009 to 202: field 20 now is mapped from CdtTrfTxInf/PmtId/TxId instead of GrpHdr/MsgId
  • 103 to pacs.008: when present, the block 3 MUR is mapped into GrpHdr/MsgId instead of the reference field 20

8.0.6 - February 2020

  • Added translation from setr.006.001.04 redemption order confirmation to MT515
  • Added translation from setr.012.001.04 subscription order confirmation to MT515
  • Added translation from setr.016.001.04 order instruction status report to MT509
  • Added translation from setr.015.001.04 switch order confirmation into MT515 redemption and subscription leg messages
  • Added translation between setr.017.001.04 order cancellation status report and MT509 (back and forth)
  • Added a truncation report in translator classes and a '+' as last character of truncated data in the target message
  • In MT to MX; header data is propagated to the AppHdr, including sender, receiver, reference, message type, and also PDE flag if present in the MT trailer
  • In MX to MT; if the source MX contains an ISO header with the possible duplicate flag set to true, the created MT will have a PDE trailer flag
  • MT103 to pacs.008 added mapping from 32A date into the group header settlement date
  • Added a remove spaces transformation when mapping IBAN numbers from MT to MX

8.0.5 - January 2019

  • MT202 and MT202COV to MX, added mapping for sender correspondent field 53B location into group header instructing agent postal address
  • (PW-225) MT202 and MT202COV to MX, removed the precondition requiring a mandatory party identifier in the sender correspondent field 53B

8.0.4 - December 2019

  • MT103 to MX, added mapping for sender correspondent field 53B location into group header instructing agent postal address
  • (PW-225) MT103 to MX, removed the precondition requiring a mandatory party identifier in the sender correspondent field 53B
  • (PW-225) MT103 to MX, removed the precondition requiring the same currency
  • In semt to MT translations when Document/*/Id/Id is not found in MX the 20C:SEME is generated from AppHdr/BizMsgIdr
  • Enhanced mapping of field 35B description of security when the ISIN is not present

8.0.3 - September 2019

  • Fixed mapping for field 36E in translations from MX to MT
  • Added version 6, 7, 8 and 9 for translations between MT566 and seev.036 and seev.037

8.0.2 - August 2019

  • Added version 6, 7, 8 and 9 for translations between MT566 and seev.036 and seev.037
  • Fixed mapping for field 36E in translations from MX to MT
  • Fixed bin/translator CLI app that stopped reading input on the first line break

8.0.1 - July 2019

  • Added a TranslatorFactory to enable automatic translator selection based on the source message
  • Added a CLI to run automatic translation of files in the command line

8.0.0 - May 2019

  • JRE requirement increased to Java 1.8
  • SWIFT Standard release update 2019 (live 17 November 2019)
  • Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see

7.10.8 - March 2019

  • Updated dependencies: apache-commons-lang 3.7 -> 3.8.1
  • Updated dependencies: apache-text 1.3 -> 1.6
  • Fixed obfuscation to keep directories in jar
  • Fixed mapping of Field70 to EndToEndId

7.10.7 - January 2019

  • Added alternative translate call in translation implementation classes to run the process without precondition checks
  • Added translations between pacs.001.001.08 and MT101
  • Fixed translations for fields 50F and 77B
  • Fixed precondition check for MX pain.001.001.03 to MT101 translation
  • Fixed translation MX pain.001.001.03 to MT101 when multiple PmtInf and CdtTrfTxInf combinations are present

7.10.0 - April 2018

  • SWIFT Standard release update 2018
  • JRE requirement increased to Java 1.7
  • Dependencies: updated apache commons-lang from 2.6 to 3.7
  • Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see
  • Added 103 and 103 STP to pacs.008.001.07
  • Added 202 and 202 COV to pacs.009.001.07
  • Added 900 to camt.054.001.07
  • Added 910 to camt.054.001.07
  • Added 940 to camt.053.001.07
  • Added 941 to camt.052.001.07
  • Added 942 to camt.052.001.07
  • Added 950 to camt.053.001.07
  • Added pacs.008.001.07 to 103
  • Added pacs.009.001.07 to 202 and 202 COV
  • Added camt.052.001.07 to 941 and 942
  • Added camt.053.001.07 to 940 and 950
  • Added camt.054.001.07 to 900 and 910

7.9.8 - April 2018

  • MT to MX: fixed decimal separator in amount format to avoid locale dependant issues

7.9.7 - January 2018

Changes in the distribution package |-> Command line tools in the bic directory changed from jar files to wrapper scripts |-> Dependencies directory renamed to lib |-> Removed the BUILD id timestamp from the jar files * MT to MX: sender and receiver address from header blocks mapped according to message direction

7.9.6 - December 2017

  • Added camt.054.001.06 to MT900 and MT910
  • Added camt.053.001.06 to MT940 and MT950
  • Added camt.052.001.06 to MT941 and MT942
  • Added pacs.009.001.06 to MT202 and MT202 COV
  • Added pacs.008.001.06 to MT103
  • Added xsys.003.001.01 to MT019
  • Added xsys.012.001.01 to MT019
  • Added MT300 to fxtr.014.001.03
  • Performance enhancement: comprehensive use of relative paths to optimize content selection.
  • Performance enhancement: mappings migrated from docname to xml to avoid paths conversion in engine.
  • MX to MT: Fixed generation of fields with letter option D (such as 52D) when only name & address was present as content
  • Added plugable PathAdapter to customize MX paths used in translations

7.9.5 - December 2017

  • Performance enhancement: static methods for internal processing, reduced path conversion
  • Individual precondition checks made private in favor of the global preconditionsChecks API

7.9.4 - November 2017

  • JRE requirement backported to Java 1.6
  • Added xsys.002.001.01 to MT012

7.9.3 - October 2017

  • Fixed MT548 to MX: fixed mappings for ProcessingStatus
  • Fixed MT586 to MX: mappings with invalid amounts sequence B5c changed to B5b
  • MT564 and 566 to MX: fixed mapping for currency component in field 92J
  • Added MT568 to seev.031.002.06
  • Added MT564 to seev.031.002.06 and seev.039.002.06
  • Added MT019 to xsys.003.001.01 and xsys.012.001.01
  • Added MT012 to xsys.002.001.01
  • Added MT202 and MT202 COV to pacs.009.001.06
  • Added MT103 and MT103 STP to pacs.008.001.06
  • MT to MX: fixed mapping header for sender and receiver addresses in output (incoming) messages
  • MT to MX: replaced fixed data in message creation date time with current ISO time stamp
  • MT940 to camt.053 and MT941/MT942 to camt.052: fixed translation for field 86 repetitions into additional entries information
  • MT101 to pain.001: fixed translation for field 23E repetitions
  • MT900 and MT910 to camt.054: fixed translation for field 72 repetitions
  • Added MT941 and MT942 to camt.052.001.06
  • Added MT940 and MT950 to camt.053.001.06
  • Added MT900 and MT910 to camt.054.001.06

7.9.2 - August 2017

  • semt.020.02.01 to MTs 508, 545, 547, 578: changed default amount XXX99999999999999 to locale currency and 0
  • sese.020.002.01 and semt.013.002.01 to MT524 fixed generation of LINK sequences
  • seev, semt, sese, setr to MT5xx: fixed generation of field 36B with quantity of financial instrument
  • semt.020.002.01 to MT578: changed translation to generate the alleged instruction indicator (:22H::PAYM) in sequence B with codeword FREE instead of APMT to be compliant with MT semantic 283
  • pain.001.001.03 to MT101: fixed mapping for multiline field 77B and fixed MX paths when checking the available payment information instances
  • setr.006.002.01 and setr.012.002.01 to MT515: fixed mapping for multiline field 70C
  • semt and sese to MTs 544, 545, 546, 547 and 548: added link sequence with RELA to be compliant with MT semantic rules 73
  • semt.020.002.01 to MTs 535, 536, 537, 538 and 586: changed translations to set Activity Flag (field :17B:ACTI) to 'N' to be compliant with MT semantic rules 256, 266 and 267
  • semt.020.002.01 to MT508 and sese.020.002.01 to 524: changed translations to be compliant with MT semantic rule 281
  • MX to MT: fixed collapsing data in output MT, due to bug in handling repeat predicates from MX path
  • MX to MT: fixed generic bug when creating fieldset with multiple letter options
  • MX to MT: general mappings fixes for MX categories seev, semt, sese and setr
  • Generic fix for proper handling of repetitive fields/elements in target message
  • MX to MT: fixed bug when creating fieldset with multiple letter options
  • MX to MT: fixed mappings translations for seev, semt, sese and setr

7.9 - May 2017

  • SWIFT Standard release update 2017 (live 19 November 2017 for MT and 18 November for MX)
  • Removed false positive warning for invalid namespace in header when the header was actually empty

7.8.9 - May 2017

  • Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see

7.8.3 - Jul 2016

  • If GrpHdr is present when converting from MX to MT, header BICs are set from it
  • Internal migration from MxNode to XmlNode from SDK